shell: "ldapsearch -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -LLL -s base -b '{{ db_dn }}' -o ldif-wrap olcSyncrepl | grep -i '^olcSyncrepl'"
changed_when: False
ignore_errors: True
- # no_log: True
+ no_log: True
register: get_syncrepl
- name: "Applying SyncRepl consumers for database '{{ database_name }}' ..."
group: root
mode: 0600
- - name: "Get content of applying SyncRepl consumers file"
- shell: "cat '{{ syncrepl_file.path }}'"
- register: content_syncrepl_file
- changed_when: False
- # no_log: True
- - name: "Show content of applying SyncRepl consumers file."
- debug: msg={{ content_syncrepl_file.stdout_lines }}
- name: "Applying SyncRepl consumers file at the end ..."
shell: "ldapmodify -Q -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f '{{ syncrepl_file.path }}'"