--- /dev/null
+; type of operations of this provisioning daemon
+; possible values: 'pserver', 'storage', 'loadbalancer', 'gw'
+;operation_type = pserver
+; Base directory for all operations in file system
+base_dir = /var/lib/py-provisioning-daemon
+; directory containing all trace files
+trace_dir = %(base_dir)s/trace
+; performing tracing of jobs
+do_trace = yes
+; where to find provisioning plugins
+plugin_dir = /usr/share/py-provisioning-daemon/plugins
+; The log file for stderr messages
+error_log = %(base_dir)s/error.log
+; the port number, where the daemon is listening
+;port = 8073
+; an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) to use for socket bind to listen on a port,
+; if not given or '*', the listening socket will binded to all
+; available IP addresses ( and ::)
+;listen_address = *
+; The client port to use for broadcasting messages to peers
+; it may not be the same like port
+;udp_client_port = 8074
+; the maximum number of child processes (must be between 1 and 999)
+;max_children = 20
+; maximum timeout on collecting finished children per stage
+; if there are too many child processes
+; on every stage an increased level of signal is sent
+; to all child processes (None -> SIGHUP -> SIGTERM -> SIGKILL)
+;timeout_collect_childs = 10
+; the user, the daemon should running as
+;user = ppd
+; the group, the daemon should running as
+;group = users
+; flag for logging all XML traffic under base_dir
+;xml_log = False
+; buffer_size: The size of the buffer for receiving data from sockets
+;buffer_size = 8192
+; the name of the current node if it shoul be different
+; to socket.gethostname()
+;node_name = Pserver22
+; the broadcast address, where to send all UDP peer request
+; and publishing messages
+broadcast_address =
+; an own address to publish as the IP of the current node
+; to publish to the other peers
+mgmt_address =
+; request_timeout: timout in communication with requestor (if working
+; as a socket client)
+;request_timeout = 30
+; the standard time intervall for looking for new requests
+;polling_interval = 0.2
+; the maximum number of queued connections (between 0 and 5)
+;request_queue_size = 5
+; interval in seconds between publications of the current node to the peers
+;minimum_publishing_interval = 3600
+; maximum second to change the publishing_interval from one publication
+; to the next publication in a randomized way
+;publishing_jitter = 300
+; the minimum interval in second from one publication of itself
+; to the next publication, to avoid broadcast storms
+;minimum_publishing_interval = 60
+; timeout for receiving UDP responses
+;udp_rcv_timeout = 2
+; number of tries to get a response to UDP requests
+;udp_rcv_tries = 3
+; a maybe additional storage server configuration file
+;add_storage_server_config =
+; flag, whether to get the informations from configuration files
+; instead from SOAP PdtService
+;info_from_config = False
+; The URL of the provisioning web service for sending status messages
+url = https://appserver/ProvisioningService/ProvisioningServiceWSService
+; the user name for authentication to the web service
+user = profitbricks-vcb
+; the password for authentication to the web service
+pwd = ProfitBricks-VCB
+; timeout on connection to the webservice
+timeout = 30
+; The URL of the WSDL of the PDT Web service
+;url = https://appserver/PDTService/PDTService?wsdl
+; the user name for authentication to the web service
+;user = profitbricks-dms
+; the password for authentication to the web service
+;pwd = ProfitBricks-DMS
+; some parameters valid for all handlers (both pserver and storage)
+; maximum tries to wait for existence of a device
+;max_tries_device_wait = 6
+; initial delay to wait for existence of a device in seconds
+;init_delay_device_wait = 1
+; increasing time in seconds for delay to wait for existence of a device
+;inc_delay_device_wait = 2
+; put here options only valid on a pserver
+; lockfile for locking iSCSI refresh (shared using with pb_storage_vol_refresh)
+;iscsi_refresh_lockfile = /tmp/iscsi-refresh.lock
+; flag for using Device-Mapper things
+;perform_dmsetup = False
+; Enable compression on newly created ZFS volumes
+;compress_volume = false
+; a local IP address (or hostname), what could be used as target
+; address for ZFS send
+;sync_address = storageXY-ib0
+; Name of the ZFS Pool as the root of all ZFS volumes
+;zfs_pool = storage/volumes
+; name of a mounted filesystem for temporary purposes
+; (e.g. template files to convert). It must exists.
+;temp_fs = /storage/templates
+; the name of the iSCSI target group
+;iscsi_target_group = cloudstorage
+; enable replication in creating storage volumes
+; Note: Disable on a backup host
+;enable_replication = True
+; hostname or IP address of the master host for sndradm (replication)
+;host_master = storage01-ib
+; hostname or IP address of the backup host for sndradm (replication)
+;host_backup = storage02-ib
+; URI of the backup host to send the
+; commands to create the backup volume
+;host_backup_mgmt = vcb://storage02:8073
+; defines the role in the replication system (master or backup)
+;replication_role = master
+; Should be created a view to standard targets (host group = all,
+; target group = all) for a new created iSCSI LUN?
+;add_lun_std_view = False
+; the delay in seconds between logical removing a volume (setting the remove property)
+; and the real destroying the volume. Default: 48 hours
+;remove_delay = 172800
+; in this chapter is a list of all available storage servers
+; keys are free chaicable, but unique names of storage servers,
+; values are the URI's of the appropriate machines.
+; Currently the only supported URI schema is vcb://,
+; whats look like 'vcb://ip-adress[:port], where the standard port
+; is 8073
+Storage01 = vcb://
+Storage02 = vcb://
+Storage16 = vcb://
+Storage17 = vcb://
+; vim: filetype=cfg fileencoding=utf-8 ts=4 expandtab