I missed the point in the requirement: tags should only be created upon a
complete successfull build. this means, that also all tests must complete
successfully in order to create a new tag.
as jenkins is taking care of evaluating test results we can't create the tag in
debian_build beforehand. we'll use git publisher plugin now, to only tag
'stable_$BUILD_NUMBER' if build succeeds!
'post_upload_command': 'ssh reprepro@alexandria.pb.local /srv/dev-repository/bin/pb_processincoming',
- # branch integration of vdc-bundles requires "stable"-tags for continues integration,
- # merges to develop will be done from such tags manually
- if ENV['GIT_BRANCH'] == 'integration':
- new_tag = 'stable_' + ENV['BUILD_NUMBER']
- do_tagging = True
if ENV['DISTRIBUTION'] == 'squeeze':
'incoming': '/srv/dev-repository/incoming/',