my $postalias = '/usr/sbin/postalias';
my $postmap = '/usr/sbin/postmap';
+my $do_postfix_reload = 0;
my $binary = {
'postalias' => '/usr/sbin/postalias',
+ 'postconf' => '/usr/sbin/postconf',
'postfix' => '/usr/sbin/postfix',
'postmap' => '/usr/sbin/postmap',
+my $workdir = catfile( '', 'etc', 'postfix', 'work' );
+my $lookup_dir = $postfix_dir;
+my $default_database_type = 'hash';
if ( -f $pidfile and $pidfile_written ) {
+for my $l ( sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %{$config->{'lookup'}} ) {
+ perform_lookup($l);
+exit 0;
+=head2 perform_lookup( $lookup_name )
+sub perform_lookup {
+ my $lookup = shift;
+ debug( 1, "Verarbeite Lookup-Tabelle '" . $lookup . "' ..." );
+ my $l = $config->{'lookup'}{$lookup};
+ my $sql = $l->{'query'};
+ my $type = $l->{'type'} || $default_database_type;
+ my $map_type = 'map';
+ $map_type = 'aliases' if $l->{'map_type'} =~ /^\s*alias(?:es)?\s*$/;
+ unless ( $sql ) {
+ notice( "Kein SQL-Statement für Lookup-Tabelle '" . $lookup . "' festgelegt." );
+ return;
+ }
+ my $result = do_sql_query( $sql );
+ unless ( $result ) {
+ notice( "Ungültige Resultate erhalten." );
+ return;
+ }
+ my $map = {};
+ for my $m ( @$result ) {
+ next unless ref($m) and ref($m) eq 'ARRAY';
+ my $key = shift @$m;
+ my $value = shift @$m;
+ next unless defined $value;
+ $map->{$key} = [] unless $map->{$key};
+ push @{ $map->{$key} }, $value;
+ }
+ debug( 2, "Kummulierte Ergebnisse für Lookup-Tabelle '" . $lookup . "': ", $map );
+ my $max_length = 1;
+ for ( keys %$map ) {
+ $max_length = length($_) if length($_) > $max_length;
+ }
+ $max_length += 1 if $map_type eq 'aliases';
+ my $new_file = catfile( $workdir, $lookup . ".new" );
+ debug( 1, "Schreibe Ergebnisse in Datei '" . $new_file . "' ..." );
+ unless ( open FILE, ">", $new_file ) {
+ fatal( "Konnte Datei '" . $new_file . "' nicht zum Screiben öffnen: " . $! );
+ }
+ if ( $l->{'prefix'} ) {
+ print FILE $l->{'prefix'};
+ print FILE "\n";
+ }
+ print FILE "\n";
+ for my $key ( sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %$map ) {
+ next unless scalar( @{ $map->{$key} } );
+ my $k = $key;
+ if ( $map_type eq 'aliases' ) {
+ $k .= ":";
+ }
+ my $out = sprintf( "%-*s %s\n", $max_length, $k, join( ", ", @{ $map->{$key} } ) );
+ print FILE $out;
+ }
+ print FILE "\n# Generated at: " . curtime() . "\n\n";
+ close FILE;
+=head2 curtime( )
+sub curtime {
+ my $out = '';
+ my @LT = localtime();
+ $out = sprintf( '%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d%s', $LT[5] + 1900, $LT[4] + 1, $LT[3], $LT[2] ,$LT[1], $LT[0], ( $ENV{'TZ'} ? ' ' . $ENV{'TZ'} : '' ) );
+ return $out;
+=head2 do_sql_query( $sql )
+sub do_sql_query {
+ my $sql = shift;
+ debug( 3, "Führe SQL-Statment aus: :'" . $sql . "' ..." );
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) || fatal( "Fehler beim prepare des Statements '" . $sql . "': " . $dbh->errstr() );
+ unless ( $sth->execute() ) {
+ fatal( "Fehler beim Ausführen des Statements '" . $sql . "': " . $sth->errstr() );
+ }
+ my $out = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
+ $sth->finish();
+ debug( 4, "Ergebnisse von '" . $sql . "': ", $out );
+ return $out;
=head2 open_db( )
sub check_binaries {
+ $workdir = $config->{'workdir'} if $config->{'workdir'};
+ debug( 3, "Checke Arbeitsverzeichnis '" . $workdir . "' ..." );
+ fatal( "Arbeitsverzeichnis '" . $workdir . "' existiert nicht." ) unless -d $workdir;
+ $lookup_dir = $config->{'lookup_dir'} if $config->{'lookup_dir'};
+ debug( 3, "Checke Verzeichnis für Lookup-Tabellen '" . $lookup_dir . "' ..." );
+ fatal( "Verzeichnis fuer Lookup-Tabellen '" . $lookup_dir . "' existiert nicht." ) unless -d $lookup_dir;
for my $bin ( keys %$binary ) {
if ( $config->{'binary'}{$bin} ) {
$binary->{$bin} = $config->{'binary'}{$bin};
+ debug( 2, "Ermittle default_database_type ..." );
+ my $postconf = $binary->{'postconf'};
+ my $out = `$postconf default_database_type`;
+ if ( $out ) {
+ debug( 3, "Ausgabe von '$postconf default_database_type': ", $out );
+ if ( $out =~ /^default_database_type\s*=\s*(\S+)/ ) {
+ $default_database_type = $1;
+ debug( 2, "Ermittelter default_database_type: '" . $default_database_type . "'" );
+ }
+ }
my $conf = new Config::General(
'-ConfigFile' => $cfg_file,
'-ApacheCompatible' => 1,
+ '-LowerCaseNames' => 1,
%$config = $conf->getall();