--- /dev/null
+# Template for barracuda-sync.ini
+# For changing LDAP credentials and other base LDAP config parameters,
+# please change the values in section [LDAP] of /etc/pixelpark/ldap.ini,
+# <WORKDIR>/etc/ldap.ini or $HOME/.config/pixelpark/ldap.ini
+# If you want to configure other parameters than those in these files,
+# you may define an additional [LDAP] section in the current file
+# to override the global LDAP parameters.
+# The base DN of the OU in the LDAP tree, which is the
+# container for all alias definitions for Barracuda
+#base_dn = ou=barracuda,ou=Applications,o=Pixelpark,o=isp
+# The directory of the Postfix configuration, where the file
+# <postfix_dir>/maps/vitual-aliases is searched by default.
+# This parameter could be overridden by
+# the command line parameter '--postfix-dir'.
+#postfix_dir = /etc/postfix
+# A whitespace separated list of all virtual-aliases files.
+# If gives as a relative path name, they are searched below
+# the <postfix_dir> directory.
+#virtaliases_files = maps/virtual-aliases
+# The origin domain, which will be appended to all mail address definitions
+# of LDAP entries to create, if there is no domain part in the
+# virtual alias name.
+#origin = pixelpark.com
+# a whitespace separated list of virtual aliases, which are not
+# created as LDAP alias entries for the Barracuda (for instance, to
+# define virtual aliases, which are valid only for MTAs, which are delivering
+# sirect to the Postfix cluster, not to the Barracude). If there is no
+# domain part in the address, the .*<origin> wil be appended.
+# Perl regular expressions are also supported (handle with care!).
+# The virtual alias 'root' is always included, but you can remove aliases
+# from the ignore list by prepending a '-' sign to the alias name.
+#ignore_aliases = root
+#ignore_aliases = -root bla@pixelpark.net
+# vim: filetype=dosini