mkdir -p './request-key.d'
mkdir -p './security/limits.d'
mkdir -p './security/namespace.d'
-mkdir -p './skel/.ssh'
mkdir -p './systemtap'
maybe chmod 0755 '.'
maybe chmod 0700 '.etckeeper'
maybe chmod 0444 'openldap/schema/nis.schema'
maybe chmod 0444 'openldap/schema/openldap.ldif'
maybe chmod 0444 'openldap/schema/openldap.schema'
-maybe chmod 0644 'openldap/schema/openssh-lpk.schema'
maybe chmod 0444 'openldap/schema/pmi.ldif'
maybe chmod 0444 'openldap/schema/pmi.schema'
maybe chmod 0444 'openldap/schema/ppolicy.ldif'
maybe chmod 0644 'skel/.bash_logout'
maybe chmod 0644 'skel/.bash_profile'
maybe chmod 0644 'skel/.bashrc'
-maybe chmod 0700 'skel/.ssh'
maybe chmod 0644 'slsh.rc'
maybe chmod 0755 'snmp'
maybe chmod 0644 'snmp/snmpd.conf.example'
+++ /dev/null
-# LDAP Public Key Patch schema for use with openssh-ldappubkey
-# Author: Eric AUGE <>
-# Based on the proposal of : Mark Ruijter
-# octetString SYNTAX
-attributetype ( NAME 'sshPublicKey'
- DESC 'MANDATORY: OpenSSH Public key'
- EQUALITY octetStringMatch
-# printableString SYNTAX yes|no
-objectclass ( NAME 'ldapPublicKey' SUP top AUXILIARY
- DESC 'MANDATORY: OpenSSH LPK objectclass'
- MUST ( sshPublicKey $ uid )
- )