--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import requests as req
+from tabulate import tabulate
+import re
+from os import _exit
+from termcolor import colored
+class FactGetter:
+ def __init__(self, baseUrl, tableFormat="fancy_grid"):
+ self.facts = req.get(baseUrl).json()
+ self.tableFormat = tableFormat
+ self.data = self.getData()
+ def getData(self):
+ data = {}
+ fields = [
+ "fqdn",
+ "processorcount",
+ "memorysize",
+ "disks",
+ "customer",
+ "os",
+ "partitions",
+ "tier",
+ "pp_ip_cidr",
+ "ipaddress",
+ "pp_purpose",
+ "r10k_environment",
+ ]
+ for fact in self.facts:
+ try:
+ if fact["name"] in fields:
+ data[fact["name"]] = fact
+ except TypeError:
+ print("[Error] The host is either incorrect or it does not exists in PuppetDB!")
+ _exit(1)
+ for key in data.keys():
+ del data[key]["certname"]
+ del data[key]["environment"]
+ del data[key]["name"]
+ return data
+ def generalInfo(self):
+ data = [["Customer", self.data["customer"]["value"]],
+ ["FQDN", self.data["fqdn"]["value"]],
+ ["OS", self.data["os"]["value"]["distro"]["description"]],
+ ["Purpose", self.data["pp_purpose"]["value"]],
+ ["Tier", self.data["tier"]["value"]],
+ ["R10k Env", self.data["r10k_environment"]["value"]]]
+ self.simpleTabulate([[colored("General info:", "green")]], "orgtbl")
+ self.simpleTabulate(data)
+ def resourceInfo(self):
+ data = [["Memory", self.data["memorysize"]["value"]],
+ ["CPU cores", self.data["processorcount"]["value"]]]
+ self.simpleTabulate([[colored("Resources:", "green")]], "orgtbl")
+ self.simpleTabulate(data)
+ def diskInfo(self):
+ serialNum = re.compile(r'^\d{20}$')
+ self.simpleTabulate([[colored("Disks:", "green")]], "orgtbl")
+ self.complexTabulate(self.data["disks"], excludeValue=serialNum, excludeHeader="serial")
+ def partitionInfo(self):
+ partuuid = re.compile(r"^[\d\w]{8}\-[\d\w]{2}$")
+ self.simpleTabulate([[colored("Partitions:", "green")]], "orgtbl")
+ self.complexTabulate(self.data["partitions"], additionalSpot={"size": 5, "location": 2},
+ excludeHeader="partuuid", excludeValue=partuuid)
+ def networkInfo(self):
+ data = [[interface, ','.join(ip)] for interface, ip in self.data["pp_ip_cidr"]["value"].items()]
+ data.insert(0, ["Default IP", self.data["ipaddress"]["value"]])
+ self.simpleTabulate([[colored("Network:", "green")]], "orgtbl")
+ self.simpleTabulate(data)
+ def simpleTabulate(self, data, customTheme=None):
+ if customTheme:
+ print(tabulate(data, tablefmt=customTheme))
+ else:
+ print(tabulate(data, tablefmt=self.tableFormat))
+ def complexTabulate(self, data, excludeValue=None, excludeHeader=None, additionalSpot=None):
+ finalData = []
+ for items in data["value"].items():
+ if excludeValue is not None:
+ values = [x for x in items[1].values() if x !=
+ excludeValue and not re.match(excludeValue, str(x))]
+ else:
+ values = [x for x in items[1].values()]
+ if excludeHeader is not None:
+ headers = [x for x in items[1].keys() if x !=
+ excludeHeader and not re.match(excludeHeader, str(x))]
+ else:
+ headers = [x for x in items[1].keys()]
+ if additionalSpot is not None:
+ if len(values) < additionalSpot["size"]:
+ values.insert(additionalSpot["location"], "--")
+ finalData.append(values)
+ print(tabulate(finalData, headers=headers, tablefmt=self.tableFormat))
+_usage = f"""
+ usage: {sys.argv[0]} [hostname]
+ Description:
+ The script will display the following information about the host:
+ - General information
+ - CPU information
+ - Memory information
+ - Disk information
+ - Partition information
+ - Network information
+ """
+ hostname = sys.argv[1]
+except IndexError:
+ print(_usage)
+ _exit(1)
+facter = FactGetter(f"https://puppetdb01.pixelpark.com/pdb/query/v4/nodes/{hostname}/facts", "psql")
+__author__ = 'Mladen Uzunov <mladen.uzunov@pixelpark.com>'
+__copyright__ = '(C) 2022 by Mladen Uzunov, Pixelpark GmbH, Berlin'
\ No newline at end of file