import datetime
import json
import traceback
+import copy
+import pipes
+import subprocess
# Third party modules
import yaml
# Own modules
import webhooks
-from webhooks.common import pp, to_bytes
+from webhooks.common import pp, to_bytes, to_str, to_bool
__version__ = webhooks.__version__
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEFAULT_SENDER = 'Puppetmaster <{}>'.format(DEFAULT_EMAIL)
+DEFAULT_PARENT_DIR = '/www/data'
# =============================================================================
cgi_bin_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
base_dir = os.path.dirname(cgi_bin_dir)
+ special_chars_re = re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9_\-]', re.IGNORECASE)
mail_bodies = {
'special_chars': "Received special characters in module name",
'no_branch_dir': "Branch folder does not exist",
self.namespace = None = None
self.full_name = None
+ self.git_ssh_url = None
+ self.do_sudo = True
self.ignore_projects = []
+ self.default_parent_dir = '/www/data'
self.default_email = DEFAULT_EMAIL
self.mail_to_addresses = []
self.mail_cc_addresses = [
self._log_directory = os.sep + os.path.join('var', 'log', 'webhooks')
+ self.projects = {
+ 'hiera': {
+ 'namespace': 'puppet',
+ 'name': 'hiera',
+ 'parent_dir': '/www/data/puppet-hiera'
+ },
+ 'puppet_modules': {
+ 'namespace': 'puppet',
+ 'parent_dir': '/www/data/puppet-environment'
+ }
+ }
if 'verbose' in config:
self.verbose = config['verbose']
+ if 'do_sudo' in config:
+ self.do_sudo = to_bool(config['do_sudo'])
if 'log_dir' in config and config['log_dir']:
self._log_directory = config['log_dir']
if 'default_email' in config and config['default_email']:
self.default_email = config['default_email']
+ if 'default_parent_dir' in config and config['default_parent_dir']:
+ pdir = config['default_parent_dir']
+ if os.path.isabs(pdir):
+ self.default_parent_dir = pdir
if 'ignore_projects' in config:
if config['ignore_projects'] is None:
self.ignore_projects = []
for key in config['mail_bodies'].keys():
self.mail_bodies[key] = config['mail_bodies'][key]
+ if 'projects' in config and isinstance(config['projects'], dict):
+ self.config_projects(config['projects'])
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def config_projects(self, project_cfg):
+ for project_key in project_cfg.keys():
+ if project_key == 'hiera':
+ cfg = project_cfg['hiera']
+ if 'namespace' in cfg and cfg['namespace'].strip():
+ self.projects['hiera']['namespace'] = cfg['namespace'].strip()
+ if 'name' in cfg and cfg['name'].strip():
+ self.projects['hiera']['name'] = cfg['name'].strip()
+ if 'parent_dir' in cfg and cfg['parent_dir']:
+ self.projects['hiera']['parent_dir'] = cfg['parent_dir']
+ continue
+ if project_key == 'puppet_modules':
+ cfg = project_cfg['puppet_modules']
+ if 'namespace' in cfg and cfg['namespace'].strip():
+ self.projects['puppet_modules']['namespace'] = cfg['namespace'].strip()
+ if 'parent_dir' in cfg and cfg['parent_dir']:
+ self.projects['puppet_modules']['parent_dir'] = cfg['parent_dir']
+ continue
+ if project_key not in self.projects:
+ self.projects[project_key] = {}
+ cfg = project_cfg[project_key]
+ if 'namespace' in cfg and cfg['namespace'].strip():
+ self.projects[project_key]['namespace'] = cfg['namespace'].strip()
+ if 'name' in cfg and cfg['name'].strip():
+ self.projects[project_key]['name'] = cfg['name'].strip()
+ if 'parent_dir' in cfg and cfg['parent_dir']:
+ self.projects[project_key]['parent_dir'] = cfg['parent_dir']
+ if 'workdir' in cfg and cfg['workdir']:
+ self.projects[project_key]['workdir'] = cfg['workdir']
+ if 'branch' in cfg and cfg['branch'].strip():
+ self.projects[project_key]['branch'] = cfg['branch'].strip()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def init_logging(self):
""" = self.json_data['project']['name']
self.full_name = self.json_data['project']['path_with_namespace']
+ if self.full_name in self.ignore_projects or in self.ignore_projects:
+"Ignoring project {!r}.".format(self.full_name))
+ return True
+ if
+ LOG.error(("Project {!r}: " + self.mail_bodies['special_chars']).format(
+ self.full_name))
+ return True
+ committers = []
+ timeformat = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'
+ for commit in self.json_data['commits']:
+ ts = commit['timestamp'].split('+')
+ ts_str = ts[0]
+ if len(ts) > 1:
+ ts_str += '+' + ts[1].replace(':', '').ljust(4, '0')
+ else:
+ ts_str += '+0000'
+ timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(ts_str, timeformat)
+ email = commit['author']['email']
+ committers.append((timestamp, email))
+ committers.sort()
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug("Got committers: {}".format(pp(committers)))
+ self.mail_to_addresses.append(committers[-1][1])
+ if 'git_ssh_url' in self.json_data['project']:
+ self.git_ssh_url = self.json_data['project']['git_ssh_url']
+ else:
+ self.git_ssh_url = '{ns}/{n}.git'.format(
+ ns=self.namespace,
+ if self.full_name == 'puppet/hiera':
+ return self.deploy_hiera()
+ if self.namespace == 'puppet':
+ return self.deploy_puppet_modules()
+ for project_key in self.projects.keys():
+ if project_key == 'hiera' or project_key == 'puppet_modules':
+ continue
+ cfg = copy.copy(self.projects[project_key])
+ if 'namespace' not in cfg:
+ LOG.debug("No namespace defined in project {n!r}:\n{p]".format(
+ n=project_key, p=pp(cfg)))
+ continue
+ ns = cfg['namespace']
+ pname = project_key
+ if 'name' in cfg:
+ pname = cfg['name']
+ else:
+ cfg['name'] = project_key
+ full_name = ns + '/' + pname
+ LOG.debug("Checking for {!r} ...".format(full_name))
+ if self.full_name == full_name:
+ return self.deploy(cfg)
+ LOG.error("Could not find a definition for project {!r}.".format(self.full_name))
+ return True
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def deploy_hiera(self):
+"Deploying Hiera working directory ...")
+ return True
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def deploy_puppet_modules(self):
+"Deploying puppet modules working directory ...")
return True
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def deploy(self, cfg):
+ ns = cfg['namespace']
+ pname = cfg['name']
+ full_name = ns + '/' + pname
+ parent_dir = self.default_parent_dir
+ if 'parent_dir' in cfg and cfg['parent_dir']:
+ parent_dir = cfg['parent_dir']
+ workdir = pname
+ if 'workdir' in cfg and cfg['workdir']:
+ workdir = cfg['workdir']
+ full_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, workdir)
+ branch = None
+ if 'branch' in cfg and cfg['branch']:
+ branch = cfg['branch']
+"Deploying working directory {f!r} for project {p!r} ...".format(
+ f=full_path, p=full_name))
+ if not os.access(parent_dir, os.F_OK):
+ LOG.error("Parent directory {d!r} for project {p!r} does not exists.".format(
+ d=parent_dir, p=full_name))
+ return True
+ if not os.path.isdir(parent_dir):
+ LOG.error((
+ "Path for parent directory {d!r} for project {p!r} "
+ "is not a directory.").format(d=parent_dir, p=full_name))
+ return True
+ return self.ensure_workingdir(parent_dir, workdir, branch)
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def ensure_workingdir(self, parent_dir, workdir, branch=None):
+ os.chdir(parent_dir)
+ cmd = []
+ if self.do_sudo:
+ cmd = ['sudo', '-n']
+ if os.access(workdir, os.F_OK):
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+ cmd += ['git', 'pull']
+ else:
+ cmd += ['git', 'clone', self.git_ssh_url, workdir]
+ if branch:
+ cmd += ['-b', branch]
+ if self.verbose > 2:
+ LOG.debug("Cmd: {}".format(pp(cmd)))
+ cmd_str = ' '.join(map(lambda x: pipes.quote(x), cmd))
+ LOG.debug("Executing: {}".format(cmd_str))
+ git = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = git.communicate()
+ ret_val = git.wait()
+ LOG.debug("Return value: {}".format(ret_val))
+ if stdoutdata:
+ LOG.debug("Output:\n{}".format(to_str(stdoutdata)))
+ else:
+ LOG.debug("No output.")
+ if stderrdata:
+ LOG.warn("Error messages on '{c}': {e}".format(c=cmd_str, e=to_str(stderrdata)))
# =============================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__":