+++ /dev/null
-# copyright 2012 Holger Levsen <holger@layer-acht.org>
-# GPL2 licenced
-# Quick and dirty hack for master branch on 2014-09-12 by bdrung
-set -e
-set -x
-# Define default settings
-export DIST=squeeze
-export TARGET_BASE=/srv/storage-kernels
-# get the last build number of the given target,
-# parsing tarball's file name under /srv/storage-kernels/.
-function get_last_target_build_no() {
- if [ -n "$TARGET_NAME" ]; then
- retval=$(find $TARGET_BASE/$TARGET_NAME -maxdepth 1 -type f \
- -name 'linux-storage*tar.xz' | grep -v "^.$" \
- | sed -e "s|$TARGET_BASE/$TARGET_NAME||g" \
- | sed -e "s|.*\/linux-storage_[0-9a-zA-Z\.]*\.\([^\.]*\).tar.xz$|\1|g" \
- | sort -n | tail -n 1)
- [ -z "$retval" ] && retval="0"
- else
- retval="0"
- fi
- echo $retval
-# overwrite PB_SUITE with branch name
-export PB_SUITE=$(echo $GIT_BRANCH_NAME | tr '/' '-' | sed -e "s/^\(feature\|bugfix\|poc\)-/dev-\1-/g")
- production-proposed-updates)
- export TARGET_NAME=master
- echo \"deb http://alexandria.pb.local/profitbricks-repository $DISTRIBUTION main contrib non-free\" \
- > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/profitbricks-linux-image-storage-$TARGET_NAME.list
- "
- ;;
- pre-staging)
- export TARGET_NAME=develop
- echo \"deb http://alexandria.pb.local/profitbricks-repository $DISTRIBUTION main contrib non-free\" \
- > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/profitbricks-linux-image-storage-$TARGET_NAME.list
- "
- ;;
- experimental|dev_feature*)
- [ -n "$PB_SUITE" ] && export TARGET_NAME=$PB_SUITE || export TARGET_NAME="experimental"
- LAST_DEVELOP_BUILD_NO=$(get_last_target_build_no develop)
- # kernel images must be installed from a branch-specific distribution
- # under dev-repository. However, ANDBD modules must be installed from
- # the pre-staging distribution, because ANDBD modules must have not
- # been built into packages under a particular distribution.
- echo \"deb http://alexandria.pb.local/dev-repository $TARGET_NAME main contrib non-free\" \
- > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/profitbricks-linux-image-storage-$TARGET_NAME.list ; \
- echo \"deb http://alexandria.pb.local/profitbricks-repository pre-staging main contrib non-free\" \
- > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/profitbricks-linux-image-storage-develop.list
- "
- export FEATURE_VERSION=\`apt-cache showpkg profitbricks-linux-image-storage -a \
- | grep $TARGET_NAME | grep \) | sed -e \"s|\([^\.]*\)\ .*$|\1|g\"\`
- "
- ;;
- *)
- echo "DISTRIBUTION must be 'production-proposed-updates', 'pre-staging', 'experimental',"
- echo "or 'dev_feature*'"
- echo "exiting."
- figlet "FAIL"
- exit 1
- ;;
-export JOB_HOME=$JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$JOB_NAME/builds
-SCRIPTSDIR=$(dirname $0)
-BUILD_SCRIPT=$(mktemp -t ${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX)
-set -e
-set -x
-apt-get update
-# grub is needed in the postinst...
-apt-get install -y grub2
-apt-get -t $DISTRIBUTION -y install profitbricks-linux-image-storage###FEATURE_VERSION || true
-apt-get -y install profitbricks-andbd-modules-storage || true
-mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR
-export KERNEL_VERSION=###(ls /boot/vmlinu* | cut -d "-" -f2-)
-export GENTOO_KERNEL_VERSION="###(ls /boot/vmlinu* | cut -d "-" -f2).$BUILD_NUMBER"
-cp -v /boot/vmlinu* $TARGET_DIR/
-cp -v /boot/config* $TARGET_DIR/
-cd /lib/modules/###{KERNEL_VERSION}
-/bin/tar -cJvf $TARGET_DIR/modules-###{KERNEL_VERSION}.tar.xz .
-echo "Job : $JOB_NAME" > $TARGET_DIR/sources.txt
-echo "Build-Nr.: $BUILD_NUMBER" >> $TARGET_DIR/sources.txt
-echo "URL : http://jenkins/job/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/" >> $TARGET_DIR/sources.txt
-echo "Kernel: : ###KERNEL_VERSION" >> $TARGET_DIR/sources.txt
-echo >> $TARGET_DIR/sources.txt
-apt-cache show profitbricks-linux-image-storage >> $TARGET_DIR/sources.txt
-apt-cache show profitbricks-andbd-modules-storage >> $TARGET_DIR/sources.txt
-/bin/tar -cJvf $TARGET_BASE/$TARGET_NAME/linux-storage_###{GENTOO_KERNEL_VERSION}.tar.xz -C $TARGET_DIR .
-chmod +x $BUILD_SCRIPT
-# turn the shell call back into a shell call
-sed -i -s "s|###|$|g" $BUILD_SCRIPT
-# run $BUILD_SCRIPT in chroot environment
-sudo pbuilder --execute --override-config --bindmounts $TARGET_BASE -- $BUILD_SCRIPT
-set +x
-echo "Doing garbage collection now"
-# cleanup $TARGET_DIR, keep as many images as jenkins keeps build logs
-# loop through all results of current target
-for i in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d|sort) ; do
- # check if the jenkins build log still exists (and $i != ".")
- # and if not, delete the old target as well
- if [ ! -L $JOB_HOME/$i ] && [ "${i}" != "." ] ; then
- echo "Deleting $TARGET_BASE/$TARGET_NAME/$i"
- sudo rm -r ./$i
- fi
-figlet "OK"