--- /dev/null
+AUX mms.cfg 4420 BLAKE2B 4557315bfa6f8edb6c8b28907065cdac3771175bd36a8ce2b6e72f0e1f0af20a7bb1ea8abb67f5c7b16fcaa7dd81c3eb89f926957d2ae5fffd499a7e6e709354 SHA512 597380071a06176f09df1a56cba24e83a74990c175fe9f167f026eacbf01e66a083d2389ff399ead0a39654a40ae636f8459feed2d6012e51e65c5407fe7fdbd
+AUX pepper-flash 151 BLAKE2B ab58f8d7dd307fea0d53b7f58887e3caeef8913940d6bfb662a42cc1f475ec59009998898e991d7a82d55a26ec1b2fbbc8b2a626fb8c9ba0d2da1e1735ab26ac SHA512 f20176b9567097482c3b1fdd062affb33a69b671f6298a98cd58e03ca80dd01bada4126ac5fd940fddc53a097669f52d4b8bba7850daf211e11dc24cc4d97eb1
+AUX pepper-flash-r1 143 BLAKE2B 049f7ec4e3df5fbdaa62e40acf8d21d42f61789c6d9ecde64f300df3d3c51f2b5580fb571ebbf172d590799801c632a2eb4daa01dd86e318441719ff6412f3ed SHA512 e4e1c1f204af1e5ce531dd43a22b4cd08e8def1099bba88ac96af09bd0879dfbb6383653ec85d5d199d418098e4b17d71998bee5a9fb5bb7bd8873432a4f66ee
+DIST adobe-flash- 8520030 BLAKE2B 7a9512dea7dcf769f090ea179482bfccd2c59cab0e3660425bf4642bd688b497b21d95a17b4dcdbe57fda6d3c13d6ab71285dd94ba72a30b086390bd4bf64ebd SHA512 911237ffcad3b582ff4090de63a90ec8b7793390dae39cea644f1508a49ae6c00c7477b695e9afb19dcbef4ec475eac42f0494e75a45df5973af0f481ba32d87
+DIST adobe-flash- 9036933 BLAKE2B 11a873b8611327c224f3501e976cd3ce3480a81f306f7175d9e15c6178b2eb195f5c1276d4b84201532f4ac74584420a0f2ec488a159f084bd58c3a433345dec SHA512 0489682989b17686f6de4786f9a7394b5bdd8a7465f624d1682db06b223effb4bf47670abd74b38a7b9e8fd2535660f1fb06435796f1d875001cdc667a8452b4
+DIST adobe-flash- 8554691 BLAKE2B 4b9c0bd8bfdaa09d7a126a1ab02914322983dd366a3edaeea3ff481569597d38d510dabbc90def1b8b9f480598f891467e7465b8dc5fe67ec556416820f8d156 SHA512 efa5898bdbbfc23017b01e5fbee964d1728f22297fb0f29d82f2b02da84a5d0ceb70cc079312fcd4fe77deb112ddf9670ccd475177c33a316d271f4c8b501154
+DIST adobe-flash- 9471706 BLAKE2B 2f054806f3f010b3bdc95166bb359c38e2425560ae6fe5c91b8ce241eeaef00ff29797e36acaa1a6f6e3e8feb37ed7239cdaf8c48a670a2adc5bd146a06b0968 SHA512 84e2abee91394781f5b7628d2269bb28a24701d32eeecbe9fbc8233b3f755f3148933fd9513b09f9ac4f6878196ba0bdb08969ad17121666337a684bbff50497
+EBUILD adobe-flash- 3662 BLAKE2B 498cd0a7cfd254b95c9f597a640131189fdd0c18889c0f932cdf93b07d4d9f5e19205f4fd625942c73bea2531feafb04266cb528d121352752629d8abce61519 SHA512 aa2662560e571a3adce5860f107ce640cf5dc6a8a77f75223f76cebdace872e7d6b305ed9c107efd0b48b379d19fe4477bc890a231b14bc8ab2fcfa76183c9fd
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit gnome2-utils nsplugins multilib multilib-minimal
+DESCRIPTION="Adobe Flash Player"
+ https://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer.html
+ https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
+ https://helpx.adobe.com/security/products/flash-player.html
+AF_NP_32_URI="${AF_URI}/flash_player_npapi_linux.i386.tar.gz -> ${P}-npapi.i386.tar.gz"
+AF_NP_64_URI="${AF_URI}/flash_player_npapi_linux.x86_64.tar.gz -> ${P}-npapi.x86_64.tar.gz"
+AF_PP_32_URI="${AF_URI}/flash_player_ppapi_linux.i386.tar.gz -> ${P}-ppapi.i386.tar.gz"
+AF_PP_64_URI="${AF_URI}/flash_player_ppapi_linux.x86_64.tar.gz -> ${P}-ppapi.x86_64.tar.gz"
+IUSE="+nsplugin +ppapi"
+ || ( nsplugin ppapi )
+ nsplugin? (
+ abi_x86_32? ( ${AF_NP_32_URI} )
+ abi_x86_64? ( ${AF_NP_64_URI} )
+ )
+ ppapi? (
+ abi_x86_32? ( ${AF_PP_32_URI} )
+ abi_x86_64? ( ${AF_PP_64_URI} )
+ )
+KEYWORDS="-* amd64 x86"
+RESTRICT="strip mirror"
+ dev-libs/atk[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ dev-libs/glib:2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ dev-libs/nspr[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ dev-libs/nss[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ media-libs/fontconfig[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ media-libs/freetype[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ >=sys-libs/glibc-2.4
+ x11-libs/cairo[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/gtk+:2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libX11[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXcursor[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXext[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXrender[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/libXt[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ x11-libs/pango[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ !www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins[flash(-)]
+ nsplugin? (
+ !www-plugins/adobe-flash:0
+ )
+# Ignore QA warnings in these closed-source binaries, since we can't fix them:
+src_unpack() {
+ local files=( ${A} )
+ multilib_src_unpack() {
+ mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ cd "${BUILD_DIR}" || die
+ # we need to filter out the other archive(s)
+ local other_abi
+ [[ ${ABI} == amd64 ]] && other_abi=i386 || other_abi=x86_64
+ unpack ${files[@]//*${other_abi}*/}
+ }
+ multilib_parallel_foreach_abi multilib_src_unpack
+multilib_src_install() {
+ local pkglibdir=lib
+ [[ -d usr/lib64 ]] && pkglibdir=lib64
+ if use nsplugin; then
+ # PLUGINS_DIR comes from nsplugins.eclass
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PLUGINS_DIR}
+ doexe libflashplayer.so
+ if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ # No KDE applet, so allow the GTK utility to show up in KDE:
+ sed \
+ -i usr/share/applications/flash-player-properties.desktop \
+ -e "/^NotShowIn=KDE;/d" || die
+ # The userland 'flash-player-properties' standalone app:
+ dobin usr/bin/flash-player-properties
+ # Icon and .desktop for 'flash-player-properties'
+ insinto /usr/share
+ doins -r usr/share/{icons,applications}
+ dosym ../icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/flash-player-properties.png \
+ /usr/share/pixmaps/flash-player-properties.png
+ fi
+ # The magic config file!
+ insinto "/etc/adobe"
+ doins "${FILESDIR}/mms.cfg"
+ fi
+ if use ppapi; then
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/chromium/PepperFlash
+ doexe libpepflashplayer.so
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/chromium/PepperFlash
+ doins manifest.json
+ if multilib_is_native_abi; then
+ dodir /etc/chromium
+ sed "${FILESDIR}"/pepper-flash-r1 \
+ -e "s|@FP_LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+ -e "s|@FP_PV@|${PV}|g" \
+ > "${D}"/etc/chromium/pepper-flash \
+ || die
+ fi
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ gnome2_icon_cache_update
+pkg_postrm() {
+ gnome2_icon_cache_update
--- /dev/null
+# /etc/adobe/mms.cfg: Adobe Flash privacy and security settings
+# For more details on the meaning of most of these options, please visit:
+# http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/flash_player_admin_guide.html
+# Lets you prevent users from designating any files on the local file system as
+# trusted
+# 0 = Not Allowed, 1 = Allowed (default)
+#AllowUserLocalTrust = 1
+# Lets you specify a hard limit on the amount of local storage that Flash Player
+# uses for the storage of common Flash components
+# Size in megabytes (default is 20), 0 = Component storage disabled
+#AssetCacheSize = 20
+# Lets you prevent Flash Player from automatically checkingfor and installing
+# updated versions
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+AutoUpdateDisable = 1
+# Lets you specify how often to check for an updated version of Flash Player
+# Number of days, 0 = Every startup
+# There is no default value, which falls back to the user's setting (30 days by
+# default)
+#AutoUpdateInterval =
+# Lets you prevent SWF files from accessing webcams or microphones
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+#AVHardwareDisable = 0
+# Lets you prevent information on installed fonts from being displayed
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+#DisableDeviceFontEnumeration = 0
+# Lets you prevent networking or file system access if any kind
+# Set to the executable filename, default is empty
+#DisableNetworkAndFilesystemInHostApp =
+# Lets you prevent native code applications that are digitally signed and
+# delivered by Adobe from being downloaded
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+#DisableProductDownload = 0
+# Lets you enable or disable the use of the Socket.connect() and
+# XMLSocket.connect() methods
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+#DisableSockets = 0
+# Lets you create a whitelist of servers to which socket connections are allowed
+# Set to hostname or IP address. This can be specified multiple times in this
+# file to allow more than one host, and only takes effect if DisableSockets
+# (above) is set to 1.
+#EnableSocketsTo = localhost.localdomain
+#EnableSocketsTo =
+# Lets you prevent the ActionScript FileReference API from performing file
+# downloads
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+#FileDownloadDisable = 0
+# Lets you prevent the ActionScript FileReference API from prerforming file
+# uploads
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+#FileUploadDisable = 0
+# Lets you disable SWF files playing via a browser plug-in from being displayed
+# in full-screen mode
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+#FullScreenDisable = 0
+# Lets you specify whether SWF files produced for Flash Player 6 and earlier can
+# execute an operation that has been restricted in a newer version of Flash
+# Player
+# 0 = Deny, 1 = Allow
+# There is no default value, which falls back to the user's setting (Defaults to
+# "Ask"
+#LegacyDomainMatching =
+# Lets you specify how Flash Player should determine whether to execute certain
+# local SWF files that were originally produced for Flash Player 7 and earlier
+# 0 = Deny, 1 = Allow
+# There is no default value, which falls back to the user's setting
+#LocalFileLegacyAction =
+# Lets you prevent local SWF files from having read access to files on local
+# drive
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+#LocalFileReadDisable = 0
+# Lets you specify a hard limit on the amout of local storage that Flash Player
+# uses (per domain) for persistent shared objects
+# 1 = no storage, 2 = 10KB, 3 = 100KB, 4 = 1MB, 5 = 10MB,
+# 6 = User specified (default)
+# If the user does not specify a limit, the default is 100KB.
+#LocalStorageLimit = 6
+# Lets you override GPU validation checks to force hardware acceleration
+# Warning: This may make your player (more) unstable!
+# 0 = Check GPU (default), 1 = Skip checks
+# More details:
+# http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2008/08/secrets_of_the_mmscfg_file_1.html
+#OverrideGPUValidation = 0
+# Lets you specify whether third-party SWF files can read and write locally
+# persistent shared objects
+# 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
+# There is no default value, which falls back to the user's setting
+#ThirdPartyStorage =
+# Lets you disable "Windowless" mode, which may cause crashes in firefox
+# version 3.01 and earlier.
+# 0 = Not Disabled (default), 1 = Disabled
+# More details:
+# http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2008/08/windowless_mode_fix.html
+#WindowlessDisable = 0
--- /dev/null
+CHROMIUM_FLAGS="${CHROMIUM_FLAGS} --ppapi-flash-path=/usr/@FP_LIBDIR@/chromium-browser/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so --ppapi-flash-version=@FP_PV@"
--- /dev/null
+CHROMIUM_FLAGS="${CHROMIUM_FLAGS} --ppapi-flash-path=/usr/@FP_LIBDIR@/chromium/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so --ppapi-flash-version=@FP_PV@"