import os
import logging
import re
-import shutil
import stat
-import textwrap
import copy
from pathlib import Path
# Own modules
from .dns import CrTfHandlerDnsMixin
+from .files import CrTfHandlerFilesMixin
from .first import CrTfHandlerFirstMixin
from .read import CrTfHandlerReadMixin
from .vmware import CrTfHandlerVmwMixin
from ..xlate import XLATOR
-__version__ = '3.9.5'
+__version__ = '3.9.6'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_ = XLATOR.gettext
# =============================================================================
class CreateTerraformHandler(
BaseHandler, CrTfHandlerFirstMixin, CrTfHandlerReadMixin, CrTfHandlerDnsMixin,
- CrTfHandlerVmwMixin):
+ CrTfHandlerVmwMixin, CrTfHandlerFilesMixin):
A handler class for creating the terraform environment
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
- def exec_project_dir(self):
- if self.stop_at_step == 'project-dir':
- self.incr_verbosity()
- self.ensure_project_dir()
- self.clean_project_dir()
-"Finished step {!r}.").format('project-dir'))
- if self.stop_at_step == 'project-dir':
- raise AbortExecution('project-dir')
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
- def exec_tf_files(self):
- if self.stop_at_step == 'tf-files':
- self.incr_verbosity()
- self.create_terraform_files()
-"Finished step {!r}.").format('tf-files'))
- if self.stop_at_step == 'tf-files':
- raise AbortExecution('tf-files')
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
- def get_tf_name_network(self, net_name, *args):
- default = None
- has_default = False
- if len(args):
- if len(args) > 1:
- msg = ngettext(
- "Method {c}.{m} expected at most one argument, got {n}.",
- "Method {c}.{m} expected at most {e} arguments, got {n}.", 2).format(
- c=self.__class__.__name__, e=2, m='get_tf_name_network', n=len(args))
- raise TypeError(msg)
- default = args[0]
- has_default = True
- if net_name in self.vsphere.network_mapping:
- return self.vsphere.network_mapping[net_name]
- if has_default:
- return default
- raise KeyError(_("Did not found network {!r}.").format(net_name))
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_tf_name_ds_cluster(self, dsc_name, *args):
- default = None
- has_default = False
- if len(args):
- if len(args) > 1:
- msg = ngettext(
- "Method {c}.{m} expected at most one argument, got {n}.",
- "Method {c}.{m} expected at most {e} arguments, got {n}.", 2).format(
- c=self.__class__.__name__, e=2, m='get_tf_name_ds_cluster', n=len(args))
- raise TypeError(msg)
- default = args[0]
- has_default = True
- if dsc_name in self.vsphere.ds_cluster_mapping:
- return self.vsphere.ds_cluster_mapping[dsc_name]
- if has_default:
- return default
- raise KeyError(_("Did not found datastore cluster {!r}.").format(dsc_name))
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_tf_name_datastore(self, ds_name, *args):
- default = None
- has_default = False
- if len(args):
- if len(args) > 1:
- msg = ngettext(
- "Method {c}.{m} expected at most one argument, got {n}.",
- "Method {c}.{m} expected at most {e} arguments, got {n}.", 2).format(
- c=self.__class__.__name__, e=2, m='get_tf_name_datastore', n=len(args))
- raise TypeError(msg)
- default = args[0]
- has_default = True
- if ds_name in self.vsphere.ds_mapping:
- return self.vsphere.ds_mapping[ds_name]
- if has_default:
- return default
- raise KeyError(_("Did not found datastore {!r}.").format(ds_name))
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def ensure_project_dir(self):
- print()
-"Ensuring existence of directory {!r}.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
- if self.project_dir.exists():
- if self.project_dir.is_dir():
- LOG.debug(_("Directory {!r} already exists.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
- else:
- msg = _("Path {!r} exists, but is not a directory.").format(str(self.project_dir))
- raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
- else:
-"Creating directory {!r} ...").format(str(self.project_dir)))
- if self.simulate:
- LOG.debug(_("Simulation mode - directory will not be created."))
- else:
- try:
- os.makedirs(str(self.project_dir), mode=0o755)
- except PermissionError as e:
- msg = _("Could not create directory {d!r}: {e}").format(
- d=str(self.project_dir), e=e)
- raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
- if not self.project_dir.exists():
- if self.simulate:
- return
- else:
- msg = _("Directory {!r} does not exists ?!?!").format(str(self.project_dir))
- raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
- if not os.access(str(self.project_dir), os.W_OK):
- msg = _("No write access to directory {!r}.").format(str(self.project_dir))
- raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
- LOG.debug(_("Changing into directory {!r}.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
- os.chdir(str(self.project_dir))
- self.script_dir_rel = Path(os.path.relpath(
- str(self.script_dir), str(self.project_dir)))
- LOG.debug(_("Script-Dir relative to project dir: {!r}.").format(str(self.script_dir_rel)))
- if self.verbose > 1:
- LOG.debug(_("Checking {!r} for a previous terraform configuration.").format(
- str(self.project_dir)))
- tf_path = self.project_dir / '.terraform'
- if tf_path.exists() and not tf_path.is_dir():
- msg = _("In {d!r} there exists already {w!r}, but this is not a directory.").format(
- d=str(self.project_dir), w='.terraform')
- raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
- state_path = self.project_dir / 'terraform.tfstate'
- if state_path.exists() and not state_path.is_file():
- msg = _("In {d!r} there exists already {w!r}, but this not a file.").format(
- d=str(self.project_dir), w='terraform.tfstate')
- raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
- if tf_path.is_dir() and state_path.is_file():
- msg = _(
- "In directory {d!r} there are already existing both {w1!r} and {w2!r}. "
- "Is this an old terraform project?").format(
- d=str(self.project_dir), w1='.terraform', w2='terraform.tfstate')
- raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def clean_project_dir(self):
- print()
-"Cleaning project directory {!r}.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
- files = []
- for path in self.project_dir.glob('*'):
- files.append(path)
- for path in self.project_dir.glob('.terraform'):
- files.append(path)
- if not files:
- LOG.debug(_("Directory {!r} is already clean.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
- return
- for pfile in files:
- if pfile.exists():
- if pfile.is_dir():
- LOG.debug(_("Removing recursive directory {!r} ...").format(str(pfile)))
- if not self.simulate:
- shutil.rmtree(str(pfile))
- else:
- LOG.debug(_("Removing {!r} ...").format(str(pfile)))
- if not self.simulate:
- pfile.unlink()
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_terraform_files(self):
- print()
- print()
- msg = _("Creating all necessary files for terraform.")
- ll = 6
- if len(msg) > ll:
- ll = len(msg)
- print(self.colored('#' * (ll + 6), 'AQUA'))
- line = self.colored('#', 'AQUA') + ' '
- line += self.colored(, 'YELLOW')
- line += ' ' + self.colored('#', 'AQUA')
- print(line)
- print(self.colored('#' * (ll + 6), 'AQUA'))
- print()
- print()
- self.create_varfiles()
- self.create_dcfile()
- self.create_backend_file()
- self.create_instance_files()
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_varfiles(self):
- LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format('terraform.tfvars'))
- vs_name = None
- for vs_name in self.vsphere.keys():
- break
- if self.verbose > 1:
- LOG.debug(_("Creating {w} for VSPhere {v!r} ...").format(
- w='dcfile', v=vs_name))
- vs_host = self.config.vsphere[vs_name].host
- vs_user = self.config.vsphere[vs_name].user
- vs_pwd = self.config.vsphere[vs_name].password
- vs_dc = self.config.vsphere[vs_name].dc
- content = textwrap.dedent('''\
- ## filename: terraform.tfvars
- ## This file declares the values for the variables to be used in the playbook
- #
- #
- # To avoid annoying questions for password and API key
- # create manually a file '"
- # with the following content:
- #
- # vsphere_username = "<USERNAME>"
- # vsphere_userpassword = "<PASSWORD>"
- #
- # with the correct values. This file will not be under GIT control
- #
- ''')
- if self.simulate:
- if self.verbose:
- print(content)
- else:
- with open('terraform.tfvars', 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
- fh.write(content)
- os.chmod('terraform.tfvars', self.std_file_permissions)
- # Sensible stuff
- if vs_user or vs_pwd:
- content = '# Private sensible information. Please keep this file secret.\n\n'
- if vs_user:
- content += 'vsphere_username = "{}"\n'.format(vs_user)
- if vs_pwd:
- content += 'vsphere_userpassword = "{}"\n'.format(vs_pwd)
- content += '\n'
- LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format(''))
- if self.simulate:
- if self.verbose:
- print(content)
- else:
- with open('', 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
- fh.write(content)
- os.chmod('', self.std_secure_file_permissions)
- # File with variable declarations
- content = textwrap.dedent('''\
- # filename:
- # definition of the variables to be used in the play
- # declaration happens in the file terraform.tfvars and
- ''')
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- variable "vsphere_vcenter" {{
- default = "{}"
- description = "IP or DNS of the vSphere center."
- type = string
- }}
- ''')
- content += tpl.format(vs_host)
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- variable "vsphere_username" {
- description = "vSphere accountname to be used."
- type = string
- }
- variable "vsphere_userpassword" {
- description = "Password for vSphere accountname."
- type = string
- }
- ''')
- content += tpl
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- variable "vsphere_datacenter" {{
- default = "{dc}"
- description = "Name of the vSphere datacenter to use."
- type = string
- }}
- ''')
- content += tpl.format(dc=vs_dc)
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- variable "timezone" {{
- default = "{tz}"
- description = "The global timezone used for VMs"
- type = string
- }}
- ''')
- content += tpl.format(tz=self.tz_name)
- LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format(''))
- if self.simulate:
- if self.verbose:
- print(content)
- else:
- with open('', 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
- fh.write(content)
- os.chmod('', self.std_file_permissions)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_dcfile(self):
- vs_name = None
- for vs_name in self.vsphere.keys():
- break
- vsphere = self.vsphere[vs_name]
- LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format(''))
- if self.verbose > 1:
- LOG.debug(_("Creating {w} for VSPhere {v!r} ...").format(
- w='dcfile', v=vs_name))
- content = textwrap.dedent('''\
- # filename:
- # Configuring the VMware VSphere Provider and some dependend common used objects
- provider "vsphere" {
- vsphere_server = var.vsphere_vcenter
- user = var.vsphere_username
- password = var.vsphere_userpassword
- allow_unverified_ssl = true
- ''')
-# if self.min_version_vsphere_provider:
-# content += ' version = ">= {}"\n'.format(
-# str(self.min_version_vsphere_provider))
- content += textwrap.dedent('''\
- }
- data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" {
- name = var.vsphere_datacenter
- }
- ''')
- for cluster in vsphere.clusters:
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- data "vsphere_resource_pool" "{pv}" {{
- name = "{pn}"
- datacenter_id =
- }}
- ''')
- content += tpl.format(
- pv=cluster.resource_pool_var, pn=cluster.resource_pool_name)
- if self.used_dc_clusters:
- for dsc_name in sorted(self.used_dc_clusters[vs_name], key=str.lower):
- dsc_tf_name = vsphere.ds_cluster_mapping[dsc_name]
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- data "vsphere_datastore_cluster" "{tn}" {{
- name = "{n}"
- datacenter_id =
- }}
- ''')
- content += tpl.format(tn=dsc_tf_name, n=dsc_name)
- if self.used_datastores:
- for ds_name in sorted(self.used_datastores[vs_name], key=str.lower):
- ds_tf_name = vsphere.ds_mapping[ds_name]
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- data "vsphere_datastore" "{tn}" {{
- name = "{n}"
- datacenter_id =
- }}
- ''')
- content += tpl.format(tn=ds_tf_name, n=ds_name)
- for net_name in sorted(self.used_networks[vs_name], key=str.lower):
- net_tf_name = vsphere.network_mapping[net_name]
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- data "vsphere_network" "{tn}" {{
- name = "{n}"
- datacenter_id =
- }}
- ''')
- content += tpl.format(n=net_name, tn=net_tf_name)
- if self.vsphere_templates:
- for tname in sorted(self.vsphere_templates[vs_name].keys(), key=str.lower):
- tpl_tf_name = self.vsphere_templates[vs_name][tname].tf_name
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- data "vsphere_virtual_machine" "{tn}" {{
- name = "{n}"
- datacenter_id =
- }}
- ''')
- content += tpl.format(tn=tpl_tf_name, n=tname)
- if self.simulate:
- if self.verbose:
- print(content)
- else:
- with open('', 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
- fh.write(content)
- os.chmod('', self.std_file_permissions)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_backend_file(self):
- file_name = ''
- LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format(file_name))
- tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
- # Configuration of the backend for storing the terraform status information
- # and the minimum required version of terraform
- terraform {{
- backend "consul" {{
- address = "{host}"
- scheme = "{scheme}"
- path = "{prefix}/{project}"
- }}
- ''')
- project = self.full_project_name
- if not project:
- project = self.project_name
- content = tpl.format(
- host=self.config.tf_backend_host, scheme=self.config.tf_backend_scheme,
- prefix=self.config.tf_backend_path_prefix, project=project)
- if self.min_version_terraform:
- content += ' required_version = ">= {}"\n'.format(str(self.min_version_terraform))
- else:
- LOG.warn(_("No minimum version of Terraform defined."))
- content += '}\n\n'
- if self.simulate:
- if self.verbose:
- print(content)
- else:
- with open(file_name, 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
- fh.write(content)
- os.chmod(file_name, self.std_file_permissions)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_instance_files(self):
- LOG.debug(_("Creating terraform files for VM instances."))
- for vm in sorted(self.vms, key=lambda x: x.tf_name):
- self.create_instance_file(vm)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def create_instance_file(self, vm):
- vs_name = vm.vsphere
- fname = 'instance.' + + '.tf'
- LOG.debug(_("Creating file {f!r} for VM instance {n!r}.").format(
- f=fname,
- guest_id = self.config.guest_id
- tpl_vm = None
- if vm.vm_template:
- tpl_vm = self.vsphere_templates[vs_name][vm.vm_template]
- if self.verbose > 3:
- LOG.debug(_("Using template:") + "\n" + pp(tpl_vm))
- guest_id = 'data.vsphere_virtual_machine.{}.guest_id'.format(tpl_vm.tf_name)
- else:
- guest_id = '"' + guest_id + '"'
- content = self._create_instfile_general(vm, guest_id, tpl_vm)
- i = 0
- for iface in vm.interfaces:
- content += self._create_instfile_if(vm, iface, i, tpl_vm)
- i += 1
- for unit_id in sorted(vm.disks.keys()):
- content += self._create_instfile_disk(vm, unit_id)
- content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- cdrom {
- client_device = "true"
- }
- '''), ' ')
- content += self._create_instfile_custom(vm, tpl_vm)
- if self.verbose > 1:
- LOG.debug(_("Writing {!r}").format(fname))
- if self.simulate:
- if self.verbose:
- print(content)
- else:
- with open(fname, 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
- fh.write(content)
- os.chmod(fname, self.std_file_permissions)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _create_instfile_general(self, vm, guest_id, tpl_vm):
- vs_name = vm.vsphere
- # ## General definitions of VM
- if self.verbose > 1:
- LOG.debug(_("Generating global definitions of {!r}.").format(
- content = textwrap.dedent('''\
- # Definition of the VM instance {!r}.
- ''').format(
- cluster = self.vsphere[vs_name].get_cluster_by_name(vm.cluster)
- if not cluster:
- msg = _("Cluster {!r} not found - this shouldn't be happened.").format(
- vm.cluster)
- raise RuntimeError(msg)
- content += textwrap.dedent('''\
- resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "{tn}" {{
- resource_pool_id = data.vsphere_resource_pool.{pv}.id
- name = "{n}"
- ''').format(tn=vm.tf_name,, pv=cluster.resource_pool_var)
- if vm.ds_cluster:
- dsc_tf_name = self.vsphere[vs_name].ds_cluster_mapping[vm.ds_cluster]
- tpl = ' datastore_cluster_id = data.vsphere_datastore_cluster.{}.id\n'
- content += tpl.format(dsc_tf_name)
- if vm.datastore:
- ds_tf_name = self.vsphere[vs_name].ds_mapping[vm.datastore]
- tpl = ' datastore_id = data.vsphere_datastore.{}.id\n'
- content += tpl.format(ds_tf_name)
- content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- num_cpus = "{cpu}"
- folder = "{f}"
- num_cores_per_socket = "1"
- cpu_hot_add_enabled = "true"
- cpu_hot_remove_enabled = "true"
- memory = "{m}"
- memory_hot_add_enabled = "true"
- boot_delay = "{b}"
- guest_id = {g}
- '''), ' ').format(
- g=guest_id, cpu=vm.num_cpus, f=vm.folder, m=vm.memory, b=int(vm.boot_delay * 1000))
- if vm.vm_template:
- tpl = ' scsi_type = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.{}.scsi_type\n'
- content += tpl.format(tpl_vm.tf_name)
- content += '\n'
- content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- lifecycle {
- ignore_changes = all
- }
- '''), ' ')
- content += '\n'
- return content
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _create_instfile_if(self, vm, iface, i, tpl_vm):
- vs_name = vm.vsphere
- # ## Interface definition
- if self.verbose > 1:
- LOG.debug(_("Generating interface definition {i} of {v!r}.").format(i=i,
- nw =
- nw_name = self.vsphere[vs_name].network_mapping[nw]
- content = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- network_interface {{
- network_id = data.vsphere_network.{n}.id
- adapter_type = data.{vvm}.{t}.{nit}[0]
- }}
- '''), ' ').format(
- n=nw_name, t=tpl_vm.tf_name,
- vvm='vsphere_virtual_machine', nit='network_interface_types')
- content += '\n'
- return content
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _create_instfile_disk(self, vm, unit_id):
- # ## Disk definitions
- if self.verbose > 1:
- LOG.debug(_("Generating disk definition {i} of {v!r}.").format(i=unit_id,
- disk = vm.disks[unit_id]
- content = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- disk {{
- label = "disk{i}"
- size = "{s}"
- eagerly_scrub = "false"
- thin_provisioned = "false"
- '''), ' ').format(i=unit_id, s=int(disk.size_gb))
- if unit_id > 0:
- content += ' unit_number = {}\n'.format(unit_id)
- content += ' }\n\n'
- return content
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def _create_instfile_custom(self, vm, tpl_vm):
- # ## Customization of VM
- if self.verbose > 1:
- LOG.debug(_("Generating customization of {v!r}.").format(
- content = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- clone {{
- template_uuid = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.{t}.id
- customize {{
- linux_options {{
- host_name = "{h}"
- domain = "{d}"
- time_zone = var.timezone
- }}
- '''), ' ').format(
- t=tpl_vm.tf_name, h=vm.hostname, d=vm.domain)
- content += self._create_instfile_nw(vm)
- content += ' }\n'
- content += ' }\n\n'
- # ## local SSH cleanup before any actions
- content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- provisioner "local-exec" {{
- command = "ssh-keygen -R {h} || true"
- }}
- provisioner "local-exec" {{
- command = "ssh-keygen -R {i} || true"
- }}
- '''), ' ').format(h=vm.fqdn, i=vm.interfaces[0].address)
- # ## Copying postinstall scripts to VM
- files = ['conf-resolver', 'create-motd']
- if vm.has_puppet:
- files.append('init-puppet')
- files.append('update-all-packages')
- for sname in files:
- if self.verbose > 1:
- LOG.debug(_("Generating file provisioner for {f!r} of {v!r}.").format(
- f=sname,
- content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- provisioner "file" {{
- source = "{d}/{f}"
- destination = "/tmp/{f}"
- connection {{
- type = "ssh"
- user = "root"
- host = "{h}"
- }}
- }}
- '''), ' ').format(
- d=self.script_dir_rel, f=sname, h=vm.fqdn)
- # ## Postinstall commands on host
- commands = []
- commands.append("usermod -c 'root {}' root".format(vm.fqdn))
- commands.append("chmod +x /tmp/conf-resolver")
- cmd = '/tmp/conf-resolver'
- for ns in vm.nameservers:
- cmd += ' --ns {!r}'.format(str(ns))
- for dom in vm.searchdomains:
- cmd += ' --search {!r}'.format(dom)
- if vm.dns_options:
- cmd += ' --options {!r}'.format(vm.dns_options)
- else:
- cmd += ' --options {!r}'.format('')
- commands.append(cmd)
- commands.append("rm -f /tmp/conf-resolver")
- purpose = self.re_doublequote.sub('\\\"', vm.purpose)
- zone = "{z}/{c}".format(z=vm.vsphere, c=vm.cluster)
- commands.append("chmod +x /tmp/create-motd")
- cmd = (
- "/tmp/create-motd --purpose '{p}' --hardware 'vmware (x86_64)' --owner '{o}' "
- "--location 'VMWare' --zone '{z}' --customer '{c}' --email '{m}' --tier '{t}' "
- "--environment '{e}' --role '{r}'").format(
- p=purpose, t=vm.puppet_tier, o=vm.customer, z=zone, c=vm.puppet_customer,
- m=vm.puppet_contact, e=vm.puppet_env, r=vm.puppet_role)
- if vm.puppet_project:
- cmd += " --project '{pr}'".format(pr=vm.puppet_project)
- cmd += " | tee /etc/motd"
- commands.append(cmd)
- commands.append("rm -f /tmp/create-motd")
- # ## Backup - Legato networker
- commands.append("systemctl stop networker.service")
- commands.append("rm -rfv /nsr/tmp /nsr/res")
- if vm.has_backup:
- commands.append("mkdir -pv /nsr/res")
- commands.append(
- "if [ ! -f /nsr/res/servers ] ; then "
- "echo '' > /nsr/res/servers; fi")
- commands.append("systemctl start networker.service; sleep 2")
- commands.append("nsrports -S 7937-7999; sleep 2")
- commands.append("systemctl stop networker.service; sleep 2")
- commands.append(
- "systemctl enable networker.service; systemctl start networker.service; sleep 2")
- commands.append("nsrports; sleep 2")
- else:
- commands.append("systemctl disable networker.service")
- # ## Configuring and starting puppet
- if vm.has_puppet:
- commands.append("chmod +x /tmp/init-puppet")
- cmd = "/tmp/init-puppet --environment '{e}' --customer '{c}' "
- if vm.puppet_project:
- cmd += "--project '{pr}' "
- cmd += "--role '{r}' --owner '{o}' --tier '{t}' --purpose '{p}' --email '{m}'"
- cmd += " --zone '{z}'"
- if vm.puppet_initial_install:
- cmd += " --initial-install"
- cmd = cmd.format(
- p=purpose, t=vm.puppet_tier, o=vm.customer, c=vm.puppet_customer, z=zone,
- pr=vm.puppet_project, m=vm.puppet_contact, e=vm.puppet_env, r=vm.puppet_role)
- commands.append(cmd)
- commands.append("rm -f /tmp/init-puppet")
- content += ' provisioner "remote-exec" {\n'
- content += ' inline = [\n'
- for cmd in commands:
- content += ' "{}",\n'.format(cmd)
- content += ' ]\n'
- content += ' connection {\n'
- content += ' type = "ssh"\n'
- content += ' user = "root"\n'
- content += ' host = "{}"\n'.format(vm.fqdn)
- content += ' }\n'
- content += ' }\n\n'
- # ## postconfigure actions with puppet
- if vm.has_puppet:
- content += self._create_instfile_puppet(vm)
- # ## local SSH cleanup on destroy
- content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- provisioner "local-exec" {{
- command = "ssh-keygen -R {h} || true"
- when = destroy
- }}
- provisioner "local-exec" {{
- command = "ssh-keygen -R {i} || true"
- when = destroy
- }}
- '''), ' ').format(h=vm.fqdn, i=vm.interfaces[0].address)
- content += '}\n\n'
- return content
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
- def _create_instfile_nw(self, vm):
- content = ''
- gw4 = None
- gw6 = None
- for iface in vm.interfaces:
- content += " network_interface {\n"
- if iface.address_v4:
- content += ' ipv4_address = "{}"\n'.format(iface.address_v4)
- if iface.netmask_v4 is not None:
- content += ' ipv4_netmask = "{}"\n'.format(iface.netmask_v4)
- if iface.address_v6:
- content += ' ipv6_address = "{}"\n'.format(iface.address_v6)
- if iface.netmask_v6 is not None:
- content += ' ipv6_netmask = "{}"\n'.format(iface.netmask_v6)
- content += ' }\n\n'
- if not gw4:
- gw4 = iface.gateway_v4
- if not gw6:
- gw6 = iface.gateway_v6
- if gw4:
- content += ' ipv4_gateway = "{}"\n'.format(gw4)
- if gw6:
- content += ' ipv6_gateway = "{}"\n'.format(gw6)
- ns = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '"{}"'.format(x), vm.nameservers))
- content += ' dns_server_list = [{}]\n'.format(ns)
- return content
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
- def _create_instfile_puppet(self, vm):
- cmd = (
- "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {ca} "
- "'sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca sign --certname {h} || true'").format(
- ca=self.config.puppetca, h=vm.fqdn)
- content = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- provisioner "local-exec" {{
- command = "{cmd}"
- }}
- provisioner "remote-exec" {{
- inline = [
- "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test || true",
- "/usr/bin/systemctl start puppet.service",
- "/usr/bin/systemctl enable puppet.service",
- "chmod +x /tmp/update-all-packages",
- "/tmp/update-all-packages",
- "rm -f /tmp/update-all-packages",
- ]
- connection {{
- type = "ssh"
- user = "root"
- host = "{h}"
- }}
- }}
- '''), ' ').format(cmd=cmd, h=vm.fqdn,)
- # Destroy actions with puppet
- cmd1 = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {ma} "
- cmd1 += "'sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet node deactivate {h} || true'"
- cmd1 = cmd1.format(ma=self.config.puppetmaster, h=vm.fqdn)
- cmd2 = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {ca} "
- cmd2 += "'sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca clean --certname {h} || true'"
- cmd2 = cmd2.format(ca=self.config.puppetca, h=vm.fqdn)
- content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
- provisioner "remote-exec" {{
- inline = [
- "/usr/bin/systemctl stop puppet.service || true",
- ]
- when = destroy
- connection {{
- type = "ssh"
- user = "root"
- host = "{h}"
- }}
- }}
- provisioner "local-exec" {{
- command = "{cmd1}"
- when = destroy
- }}
- provisioner "local-exec" {{
- command = "{cmd2}"
- when = destroy
- }}
- '''), ' ').format(cmd1=cmd1, cmd2=cmd2, h=vm.fqdn)
- return content
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
- def ensure_vsphere_folders(self):
- vs_name = None
- for vs_name in self.vsphere.keys():
- break
- vsphere = self.vsphere[vs_name]
- print()
-"Ensuring existence of all necessary vSphere VM folders."))
- vsphere.ensure_vm_folders(copy.copy(self.vsphere_folders))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
def exec_terraform(self):
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+@author: Frank Brehm
+@copyright: © 2023 by Frank Brehm, Berlin
+@summary: A mixin module for the handler for methods for creating terraform project files.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+# Standard module
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import textwrap
+from pathlib import Path
+# Third party modules
+from fb_tools.common import pp
+from fb_tools.errors import ExpectedHandlerError
+# Own modules
+from ..errors import AbortExecution
+from ..xlate import XLATOR
+__version__ = '0.1.0'
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_ = XLATOR.gettext
+ngettext = XLATOR.ngettext
+# =============================================================================
+class CrTfHandlerFilesMixin():
+ """A mixin module for the handler module for reading and evaluation."""
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
+ def exec_project_dir(self):
+ if self.stop_at_step == 'project-dir':
+ self.incr_verbosity()
+ self.ensure_project_dir()
+ self.clean_project_dir()
+"Finished step {!r}.").format('project-dir'))
+ if self.stop_at_step == 'project-dir':
+ raise AbortExecution('project-dir')
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
+ def exec_tf_files(self):
+ if self.stop_at_step == 'tf-files':
+ self.incr_verbosity()
+ self.create_terraform_files()
+"Finished step {!r}.").format('tf-files'))
+ if self.stop_at_step == 'tf-files':
+ raise AbortExecution('tf-files')
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
+ def get_tf_name_network(self, net_name, *args):
+ default = None
+ has_default = False
+ if len(args):
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ msg = ngettext(
+ "Method {c}.{m} expected at most one argument, got {n}.",
+ "Method {c}.{m} expected at most {e} arguments, got {n}.", 2).format(
+ c=self.__class__.__name__, e=2, m='get_tf_name_network', n=len(args))
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ default = args[0]
+ has_default = True
+ if net_name in self.vsphere.network_mapping:
+ return self.vsphere.network_mapping[net_name]
+ if has_default:
+ return default
+ raise KeyError(_("Did not found network {!r}.").format(net_name))
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def get_tf_name_ds_cluster(self, dsc_name, *args):
+ default = None
+ has_default = False
+ if len(args):
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ msg = ngettext(
+ "Method {c}.{m} expected at most one argument, got {n}.",
+ "Method {c}.{m} expected at most {e} arguments, got {n}.", 2).format(
+ c=self.__class__.__name__, e=2, m='get_tf_name_ds_cluster', n=len(args))
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ default = args[0]
+ has_default = True
+ if dsc_name in self.vsphere.ds_cluster_mapping:
+ return self.vsphere.ds_cluster_mapping[dsc_name]
+ if has_default:
+ return default
+ raise KeyError(_("Did not found datastore cluster {!r}.").format(dsc_name))
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def get_tf_name_datastore(self, ds_name, *args):
+ default = None
+ has_default = False
+ if len(args):
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ msg = ngettext(
+ "Method {c}.{m} expected at most one argument, got {n}.",
+ "Method {c}.{m} expected at most {e} arguments, got {n}.", 2).format(
+ c=self.__class__.__name__, e=2, m='get_tf_name_datastore', n=len(args))
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ default = args[0]
+ has_default = True
+ if ds_name in self.vsphere.ds_mapping:
+ return self.vsphere.ds_mapping[ds_name]
+ if has_default:
+ return default
+ raise KeyError(_("Did not found datastore {!r}.").format(ds_name))
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def ensure_project_dir(self):
+ print()
+"Ensuring existence of directory {!r}.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
+ if self.project_dir.exists():
+ if self.project_dir.is_dir():
+ LOG.debug(_("Directory {!r} already exists.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
+ else:
+ msg = _("Path {!r} exists, but is not a directory.").format(str(self.project_dir))
+ raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
+ else:
+"Creating directory {!r} ...").format(str(self.project_dir)))
+ if self.simulate:
+ LOG.debug(_("Simulation mode - directory will not be created."))
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(str(self.project_dir), mode=0o755)
+ except PermissionError as e:
+ msg = _("Could not create directory {d!r}: {e}").format(
+ d=str(self.project_dir), e=e)
+ raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
+ if not self.project_dir.exists():
+ if self.simulate:
+ return
+ else:
+ msg = _("Directory {!r} does not exists ?!?!").format(str(self.project_dir))
+ raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
+ if not os.access(str(self.project_dir), os.W_OK):
+ msg = _("No write access to directory {!r}.").format(str(self.project_dir))
+ raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
+ LOG.debug(_("Changing into directory {!r}.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
+ os.chdir(str(self.project_dir))
+ self.script_dir_rel = Path(os.path.relpath(
+ str(self.script_dir), str(self.project_dir)))
+ LOG.debug(_("Script-Dir relative to project dir: {!r}.").format(str(self.script_dir_rel)))
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug(_("Checking {!r} for a previous terraform configuration.").format(
+ str(self.project_dir)))
+ tf_path = self.project_dir / '.terraform'
+ if tf_path.exists() and not tf_path.is_dir():
+ msg = _("In {d!r} there exists already {w!r}, but this is not a directory.").format(
+ d=str(self.project_dir), w='.terraform')
+ raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
+ state_path = self.project_dir / 'terraform.tfstate'
+ if state_path.exists() and not state_path.is_file():
+ msg = _("In {d!r} there exists already {w!r}, but this not a file.").format(
+ d=str(self.project_dir), w='terraform.tfstate')
+ raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
+ if tf_path.is_dir() and state_path.is_file():
+ msg = _(
+ "In directory {d!r} there are already existing both {w1!r} and {w2!r}. "
+ "Is this an old terraform project?").format(
+ d=str(self.project_dir), w1='.terraform', w2='terraform.tfstate')
+ raise ExpectedHandlerError(msg)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def clean_project_dir(self):
+ print()
+"Cleaning project directory {!r}.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
+ files = []
+ for path in self.project_dir.glob('*'):
+ files.append(path)
+ for path in self.project_dir.glob('.terraform'):
+ files.append(path)
+ if not files:
+ LOG.debug(_("Directory {!r} is already clean.").format(str(self.project_dir)))
+ return
+ for pfile in files:
+ if pfile.exists():
+ if pfile.is_dir():
+ LOG.debug(_("Removing recursive directory {!r} ...").format(str(pfile)))
+ if not self.simulate:
+ shutil.rmtree(str(pfile))
+ else:
+ LOG.debug(_("Removing {!r} ...").format(str(pfile)))
+ if not self.simulate:
+ pfile.unlink()
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def create_terraform_files(self):
+ print()
+ print()
+ msg = _("Creating all necessary files for terraform.")
+ ll = 6
+ if len(msg) > ll:
+ ll = len(msg)
+ print(self.colored('#' * (ll + 6), 'AQUA'))
+ line = self.colored('#', 'AQUA') + ' '
+ line += self.colored(, 'YELLOW')
+ line += ' ' + self.colored('#', 'AQUA')
+ print(line)
+ print(self.colored('#' * (ll + 6), 'AQUA'))
+ print()
+ print()
+ self.create_varfiles()
+ self.create_dcfile()
+ self.create_backend_file()
+ self.create_instance_files()
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def create_varfiles(self):
+ LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format('terraform.tfvars'))
+ vs_name = None
+ for vs_name in self.vsphere.keys():
+ break
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug(_("Creating {w} for VSPhere {v!r} ...").format(
+ w='dcfile', v=vs_name))
+ vs_host = self.config.vsphere[vs_name].host
+ vs_user = self.config.vsphere[vs_name].user
+ vs_pwd = self.config.vsphere[vs_name].password
+ vs_dc = self.config.vsphere[vs_name].dc
+ content = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ ## filename: terraform.tfvars
+ ## This file declares the values for the variables to be used in the playbook
+ #
+ #
+ # To avoid annoying questions for password and API key
+ # create manually a file '"
+ # with the following content:
+ #
+ # vsphere_username = "<USERNAME>"
+ # vsphere_userpassword = "<PASSWORD>"
+ #
+ # with the correct values. This file will not be under GIT control
+ #
+ ''')
+ if self.simulate:
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(content)
+ else:
+ with open('terraform.tfvars', 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
+ fh.write(content)
+ os.chmod('terraform.tfvars', self.std_file_permissions)
+ # Sensible stuff
+ if vs_user or vs_pwd:
+ content = '# Private sensible information. Please keep this file secret.\n\n'
+ if vs_user:
+ content += 'vsphere_username = "{}"\n'.format(vs_user)
+ if vs_pwd:
+ content += 'vsphere_userpassword = "{}"\n'.format(vs_pwd)
+ content += '\n'
+ LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format(''))
+ if self.simulate:
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(content)
+ else:
+ with open('', 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
+ fh.write(content)
+ os.chmod('', self.std_secure_file_permissions)
+ # File with variable declarations
+ content = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ # filename:
+ # definition of the variables to be used in the play
+ # declaration happens in the file terraform.tfvars and
+ ''')
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ variable "vsphere_vcenter" {{
+ default = "{}"
+ description = "IP or DNS of the vSphere center."
+ type = string
+ }}
+ ''')
+ content += tpl.format(vs_host)
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ variable "vsphere_username" {
+ description = "vSphere accountname to be used."
+ type = string
+ }
+ variable "vsphere_userpassword" {
+ description = "Password for vSphere accountname."
+ type = string
+ }
+ ''')
+ content += tpl
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ variable "vsphere_datacenter" {{
+ default = "{dc}"
+ description = "Name of the vSphere datacenter to use."
+ type = string
+ }}
+ ''')
+ content += tpl.format(dc=vs_dc)
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ variable "timezone" {{
+ default = "{tz}"
+ description = "The global timezone used for VMs"
+ type = string
+ }}
+ ''')
+ content += tpl.format(tz=self.tz_name)
+ LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format(''))
+ if self.simulate:
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(content)
+ else:
+ with open('', 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
+ fh.write(content)
+ os.chmod('', self.std_file_permissions)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def create_dcfile(self):
+ vs_name = None
+ for vs_name in self.vsphere.keys():
+ break
+ vsphere = self.vsphere[vs_name]
+ LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format(''))
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug(_("Creating {w} for VSPhere {v!r} ...").format(
+ w='dcfile', v=vs_name))
+ content = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ # filename:
+ # Configuring the VMware VSphere Provider and some dependend common used objects
+ provider "vsphere" {
+ vsphere_server = var.vsphere_vcenter
+ user = var.vsphere_username
+ password = var.vsphere_userpassword
+ allow_unverified_ssl = true
+ ''')
+# if self.min_version_vsphere_provider:
+# content += ' version = ">= {}"\n'.format(
+# str(self.min_version_vsphere_provider))
+ content += textwrap.dedent('''\
+ }
+ data "vsphere_datacenter" "dc" {
+ name = var.vsphere_datacenter
+ }
+ ''')
+ for cluster in vsphere.clusters:
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ data "vsphere_resource_pool" "{pv}" {{
+ name = "{pn}"
+ datacenter_id =
+ }}
+ ''')
+ content += tpl.format(
+ pv=cluster.resource_pool_var, pn=cluster.resource_pool_name)
+ if self.used_dc_clusters:
+ for dsc_name in sorted(self.used_dc_clusters[vs_name], key=str.lower):
+ dsc_tf_name = vsphere.ds_cluster_mapping[dsc_name]
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ data "vsphere_datastore_cluster" "{tn}" {{
+ name = "{n}"
+ datacenter_id =
+ }}
+ ''')
+ content += tpl.format(tn=dsc_tf_name, n=dsc_name)
+ if self.used_datastores:
+ for ds_name in sorted(self.used_datastores[vs_name], key=str.lower):
+ ds_tf_name = vsphere.ds_mapping[ds_name]
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ data "vsphere_datastore" "{tn}" {{
+ name = "{n}"
+ datacenter_id =
+ }}
+ ''')
+ content += tpl.format(tn=ds_tf_name, n=ds_name)
+ for net_name in sorted(self.used_networks[vs_name], key=str.lower):
+ net_tf_name = vsphere.network_mapping[net_name]
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ data "vsphere_network" "{tn}" {{
+ name = "{n}"
+ datacenter_id =
+ }}
+ ''')
+ content += tpl.format(n=net_name, tn=net_tf_name)
+ if self.vsphere_templates:
+ for tname in sorted(self.vsphere_templates[vs_name].keys(), key=str.lower):
+ tpl_tf_name = self.vsphere_templates[vs_name][tname].tf_name
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ data "vsphere_virtual_machine" "{tn}" {{
+ name = "{n}"
+ datacenter_id =
+ }}
+ ''')
+ content += tpl.format(tn=tpl_tf_name, n=tname)
+ if self.simulate:
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(content)
+ else:
+ with open('', 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
+ fh.write(content)
+ os.chmod('', self.std_file_permissions)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def create_backend_file(self):
+ file_name = ''
+ LOG.debug(_("Creating {!r} ...").format(file_name))
+ tpl = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ # Configuration of the backend for storing the terraform status information
+ # and the minimum required version of terraform
+ terraform {{
+ backend "consul" {{
+ address = "{host}"
+ scheme = "{scheme}"
+ path = "{prefix}/{project}"
+ }}
+ ''')
+ project = self.full_project_name
+ if not project:
+ project = self.project_name
+ content = tpl.format(
+ host=self.config.tf_backend_host, scheme=self.config.tf_backend_scheme,
+ prefix=self.config.tf_backend_path_prefix, project=project)
+ if self.min_version_terraform:
+ content += ' required_version = ">= {}"\n'.format(str(self.min_version_terraform))
+ else:
+ LOG.warn(_("No minimum version of Terraform defined."))
+ content += '}\n\n'
+ if self.simulate:
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(content)
+ else:
+ with open(file_name, 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
+ fh.write(content)
+ os.chmod(file_name, self.std_file_permissions)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def create_instance_files(self):
+ LOG.debug(_("Creating terraform files for VM instances."))
+ for vm in sorted(self.vms, key=lambda x: x.tf_name):
+ self.create_instance_file(vm)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def create_instance_file(self, vm):
+ vs_name = vm.vsphere
+ fname = 'instance.' + + '.tf'
+ LOG.debug(_("Creating file {f!r} for VM instance {n!r}.").format(
+ f=fname,
+ guest_id = self.config.guest_id
+ tpl_vm = None
+ if vm.vm_template:
+ tpl_vm = self.vsphere_templates[vs_name][vm.vm_template]
+ if self.verbose > 3:
+ LOG.debug(_("Using template:") + "\n" + pp(tpl_vm))
+ guest_id = 'data.vsphere_virtual_machine.{}.guest_id'.format(tpl_vm.tf_name)
+ else:
+ guest_id = '"' + guest_id + '"'
+ content = self._create_instfile_general(vm, guest_id, tpl_vm)
+ i = 0
+ for iface in vm.interfaces:
+ content += self._create_instfile_if(vm, iface, i, tpl_vm)
+ i += 1
+ for unit_id in sorted(vm.disks.keys()):
+ content += self._create_instfile_disk(vm, unit_id)
+ content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ cdrom {
+ client_device = "true"
+ }
+ '''), ' ')
+ content += self._create_instfile_custom(vm, tpl_vm)
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug(_("Writing {!r}").format(fname))
+ if self.simulate:
+ if self.verbose:
+ print(content)
+ else:
+ with open(fname, 'w', **self.open_opts) as fh:
+ fh.write(content)
+ os.chmod(fname, self.std_file_permissions)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _create_instfile_general(self, vm, guest_id, tpl_vm):
+ vs_name = vm.vsphere
+ # ## General definitions of VM
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug(_("Generating global definitions of {!r}.").format(
+ content = textwrap.dedent('''\
+ # Definition of the VM instance {!r}.
+ ''').format(
+ cluster = self.vsphere[vs_name].get_cluster_by_name(vm.cluster)
+ if not cluster:
+ msg = _("Cluster {!r} not found - this shouldn't be happened.").format(
+ vm.cluster)
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
+ content += textwrap.dedent('''\
+ resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "{tn}" {{
+ resource_pool_id = data.vsphere_resource_pool.{pv}.id
+ name = "{n}"
+ ''').format(tn=vm.tf_name,, pv=cluster.resource_pool_var)
+ if vm.ds_cluster:
+ dsc_tf_name = self.vsphere[vs_name].ds_cluster_mapping[vm.ds_cluster]
+ tpl = ' datastore_cluster_id = data.vsphere_datastore_cluster.{}.id\n'
+ content += tpl.format(dsc_tf_name)
+ if vm.datastore:
+ ds_tf_name = self.vsphere[vs_name].ds_mapping[vm.datastore]
+ tpl = ' datastore_id = data.vsphere_datastore.{}.id\n'
+ content += tpl.format(ds_tf_name)
+ content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ num_cpus = "{cpu}"
+ folder = "{f}"
+ num_cores_per_socket = "1"
+ cpu_hot_add_enabled = "true"
+ cpu_hot_remove_enabled = "true"
+ memory = "{m}"
+ memory_hot_add_enabled = "true"
+ boot_delay = "{b}"
+ guest_id = {g}
+ '''), ' ').format(
+ g=guest_id, cpu=vm.num_cpus, f=vm.folder, m=vm.memory, b=int(vm.boot_delay * 1000))
+ if vm.vm_template:
+ tpl = ' scsi_type = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.{}.scsi_type\n'
+ content += tpl.format(tpl_vm.tf_name)
+ content += '\n'
+ content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ lifecycle {
+ ignore_changes = all
+ }
+ '''), ' ')
+ content += '\n'
+ return content
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _create_instfile_if(self, vm, iface, i, tpl_vm):
+ vs_name = vm.vsphere
+ # ## Interface definition
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug(_("Generating interface definition {i} of {v!r}.").format(i=i,
+ nw =
+ nw_name = self.vsphere[vs_name].network_mapping[nw]
+ content = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ network_interface {{
+ network_id = data.vsphere_network.{n}.id
+ adapter_type = data.{vvm}.{t}.{nit}[0]
+ }}
+ '''), ' ').format(
+ n=nw_name, t=tpl_vm.tf_name,
+ vvm='vsphere_virtual_machine', nit='network_interface_types')
+ content += '\n'
+ return content
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _create_instfile_disk(self, vm, unit_id):
+ # ## Disk definitions
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug(_("Generating disk definition {i} of {v!r}.").format(i=unit_id,
+ disk = vm.disks[unit_id]
+ content = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ disk {{
+ label = "disk{i}"
+ size = "{s}"
+ eagerly_scrub = "false"
+ thin_provisioned = "false"
+ '''), ' ').format(i=unit_id, s=int(disk.size_gb))
+ if unit_id > 0:
+ content += ' unit_number = {}\n'.format(unit_id)
+ content += ' }\n\n'
+ return content
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _create_instfile_custom(self, vm, tpl_vm):
+ # ## Customization of VM
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug(_("Generating customization of {v!r}.").format(
+ content = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ clone {{
+ template_uuid = data.vsphere_virtual_machine.{t}.id
+ customize {{
+ linux_options {{
+ host_name = "{h}"
+ domain = "{d}"
+ time_zone = var.timezone
+ }}
+ '''), ' ').format(
+ t=tpl_vm.tf_name, h=vm.hostname, d=vm.domain)
+ content += self._create_instfile_nw(vm)
+ content += ' }\n'
+ content += ' }\n\n'
+ # ## local SSH cleanup before any actions
+ content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ provisioner "local-exec" {{
+ command = "ssh-keygen -R {h} || true"
+ }}
+ provisioner "local-exec" {{
+ command = "ssh-keygen -R {i} || true"
+ }}
+ '''), ' ').format(h=vm.fqdn, i=vm.interfaces[0].address)
+ # ## Copying postinstall scripts to VM
+ files = ['conf-resolver', 'create-motd']
+ if vm.has_puppet:
+ files.append('init-puppet')
+ files.append('update-all-packages')
+ for sname in files:
+ if self.verbose > 1:
+ LOG.debug(_("Generating file provisioner for {f!r} of {v!r}.").format(
+ f=sname,
+ content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ provisioner "file" {{
+ source = "{d}/{f}"
+ destination = "/tmp/{f}"
+ connection {{
+ type = "ssh"
+ user = "root"
+ host = "{h}"
+ }}
+ }}
+ '''), ' ').format(
+ d=self.script_dir_rel, f=sname, h=vm.fqdn)
+ # ## Postinstall commands on host
+ commands = []
+ commands.append("usermod -c 'root {}' root".format(vm.fqdn))
+ commands.append("chmod +x /tmp/conf-resolver")
+ cmd = '/tmp/conf-resolver'
+ for ns in vm.nameservers:
+ cmd += ' --ns {!r}'.format(str(ns))
+ for dom in vm.searchdomains:
+ cmd += ' --search {!r}'.format(dom)
+ if vm.dns_options:
+ cmd += ' --options {!r}'.format(vm.dns_options)
+ else:
+ cmd += ' --options {!r}'.format('')
+ commands.append(cmd)
+ commands.append("rm -f /tmp/conf-resolver")
+ purpose = self.re_doublequote.sub('\\\"', vm.purpose)
+ zone = "{z}/{c}".format(z=vm.vsphere, c=vm.cluster)
+ commands.append("chmod +x /tmp/create-motd")
+ cmd = (
+ "/tmp/create-motd --purpose '{p}' --hardware 'vmware (x86_64)' --owner '{o}' "
+ "--location 'VMWare' --zone '{z}' --customer '{c}' --email '{m}' --tier '{t}' "
+ "--environment '{e}' --role '{r}'").format(
+ p=purpose, t=vm.puppet_tier, o=vm.customer, z=zone, c=vm.puppet_customer,
+ m=vm.puppet_contact, e=vm.puppet_env, r=vm.puppet_role)
+ if vm.puppet_project:
+ cmd += " --project '{pr}'".format(pr=vm.puppet_project)
+ cmd += " | tee /etc/motd"
+ commands.append(cmd)
+ commands.append("rm -f /tmp/create-motd")
+ # ## Backup - Legato networker
+ commands.append("systemctl stop networker.service")
+ commands.append("rm -rfv /nsr/tmp /nsr/res")
+ if vm.has_backup:
+ commands.append("mkdir -pv /nsr/res")
+ commands.append(
+ "if [ ! -f /nsr/res/servers ] ; then "
+ "echo '' > /nsr/res/servers; fi")
+ commands.append("systemctl start networker.service; sleep 2")
+ commands.append("nsrports -S 7937-7999; sleep 2")
+ commands.append("systemctl stop networker.service; sleep 2")
+ commands.append(
+ "systemctl enable networker.service; systemctl start networker.service; sleep 2")
+ commands.append("nsrports; sleep 2")
+ else:
+ commands.append("systemctl disable networker.service")
+ # ## Configuring and starting puppet
+ if vm.has_puppet:
+ commands.append("chmod +x /tmp/init-puppet")
+ cmd = "/tmp/init-puppet --environment '{e}' --customer '{c}' "
+ if vm.puppet_project:
+ cmd += "--project '{pr}' "
+ cmd += "--role '{r}' --owner '{o}' --tier '{t}' --purpose '{p}' --email '{m}'"
+ cmd += " --zone '{z}'"
+ if vm.puppet_initial_install:
+ cmd += " --initial-install"
+ cmd = cmd.format(
+ p=purpose, t=vm.puppet_tier, o=vm.customer, c=vm.puppet_customer, z=zone,
+ pr=vm.puppet_project, m=vm.puppet_contact, e=vm.puppet_env, r=vm.puppet_role)
+ commands.append(cmd)
+ commands.append("rm -f /tmp/init-puppet")
+ content += ' provisioner "remote-exec" {\n'
+ content += ' inline = [\n'
+ for cmd in commands:
+ content += ' "{}",\n'.format(cmd)
+ content += ' ]\n'
+ content += ' connection {\n'
+ content += ' type = "ssh"\n'
+ content += ' user = "root"\n'
+ content += ' host = "{}"\n'.format(vm.fqdn)
+ content += ' }\n'
+ content += ' }\n\n'
+ # ## postconfigure actions with puppet
+ if vm.has_puppet:
+ content += self._create_instfile_puppet(vm)
+ # ## local SSH cleanup on destroy
+ content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ provisioner "local-exec" {{
+ command = "ssh-keygen -R {h} || true"
+ when = destroy
+ }}
+ provisioner "local-exec" {{
+ command = "ssh-keygen -R {i} || true"
+ when = destroy
+ }}
+ '''), ' ').format(h=vm.fqdn, i=vm.interfaces[0].address)
+ content += '}\n\n'
+ return content
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
+ def _create_instfile_nw(self, vm):
+ content = ''
+ gw4 = None
+ gw6 = None
+ for iface in vm.interfaces:
+ content += " network_interface {\n"
+ if iface.address_v4:
+ content += ' ipv4_address = "{}"\n'.format(iface.address_v4)
+ if iface.netmask_v4 is not None:
+ content += ' ipv4_netmask = "{}"\n'.format(iface.netmask_v4)
+ if iface.address_v6:
+ content += ' ipv6_address = "{}"\n'.format(iface.address_v6)
+ if iface.netmask_v6 is not None:
+ content += ' ipv6_netmask = "{}"\n'.format(iface.netmask_v6)
+ content += ' }\n\n'
+ if not gw4:
+ gw4 = iface.gateway_v4
+ if not gw6:
+ gw6 = iface.gateway_v6
+ if gw4:
+ content += ' ipv4_gateway = "{}"\n'.format(gw4)
+ if gw6:
+ content += ' ipv6_gateway = "{}"\n'.format(gw6)
+ ns = ', '.join(map(lambda x: '"{}"'.format(x), vm.nameservers))
+ content += ' dns_server_list = [{}]\n'.format(ns)
+ return content
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
+ def _create_instfile_puppet(self, vm):
+ cmd = (
+ "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {ca} "
+ "'sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca sign --certname {h} || true'").format(
+ ca=self.config.puppetca, h=vm.fqdn)
+ content = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ provisioner "local-exec" {{
+ command = "{cmd}"
+ }}
+ provisioner "remote-exec" {{
+ inline = [
+ "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test || true",
+ "/usr/bin/systemctl start puppet.service",
+ "/usr/bin/systemctl enable puppet.service",
+ "chmod +x /tmp/update-all-packages",
+ "/tmp/update-all-packages",
+ "rm -f /tmp/update-all-packages",
+ ]
+ connection {{
+ type = "ssh"
+ user = "root"
+ host = "{h}"
+ }}
+ }}
+ '''), ' ').format(cmd=cmd, h=vm.fqdn,)
+ # Destroy actions with puppet
+ cmd1 = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {ma} "
+ cmd1 += "'sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet node deactivate {h} || true'"
+ cmd1 = cmd1.format(ma=self.config.puppetmaster, h=vm.fqdn)
+ cmd2 = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {ca} "
+ cmd2 += "'sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca clean --certname {h} || true'"
+ cmd2 = cmd2.format(ca=self.config.puppetca, h=vm.fqdn)
+ content += textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent('''\
+ provisioner "remote-exec" {{
+ inline = [
+ "/usr/bin/systemctl stop puppet.service || true",
+ ]
+ when = destroy
+ connection {{
+ type = "ssh"
+ user = "root"
+ host = "{h}"
+ }}
+ }}
+ provisioner "local-exec" {{
+ command = "{cmd1}"
+ when = destroy
+ }}
+ provisioner "local-exec" {{
+ command = "{cmd2}"
+ when = destroy
+ }}
+ '''), ' ').format(cmd1=cmd1, cmd2=cmd2, h=vm.fqdn)
+ return content
+# =============================================================================
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ pass
+# =============================================================================
+# vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 list
from ..xlate import XLATOR
-__version__ = '0.1.0'
+__version__ = '0.1.1'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_ = XLATOR.gettext
if network not in self.used_networks[vs_name]:
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------------·
+ def ensure_vsphere_folders(self):
+ vs_name = None
+ for vs_name in self.vsphere.keys():
+ break
+ vsphere = self.vsphere[vs_name]
+ print()
+"Ensuring existence of all necessary vSphere VM folders."))
+ vsphere.ensure_vm_folders(copy.copy(self.vsphere_folders))
# =============================================================================