dns_search_eth0="pb.local brehm-online.com dc1.de.profitbricks.net dc2.us.profitbricks.net dc252.de.profitbricks.net uhu-banane.de"
+# vim: filetype=gentoo-conf-d ts=3 et
--- /dev/null
+# /etc/conf.d/local.start
+# This is a good place to load any misc programs
+# on startup (use &>/dev/null to hide output)
+#echo "Setze Standard-Route IPv6 via fe80::1 dev eth0"
+#/sbin/ip -6 route add default via fe80::1 dev eth0
+#/sbin/ip -6 route add "2a01:238:4225:6e00::/56" dev lo
+echo "Sende Mail wegen Boot ..."
+echo "Server $(hostname) wird '$(date)' gebootet" | /usr/bin/mailx -s "Boot von $(hostname)" root@localhost
+# vim: ts=4 expandtab
--- /dev/null
+# /etc/conf.d/local.stop
+# This is a good place to unload any misc.
+# programs you started above.
+# For example, if you are using OSS and have
+# "/usr/local/bin/soundon" above, put
+# "/usr/local/bin/soundoff" here.
+echo "Sende Mail wegen Shutdown ..."
+echo "Server $(hostname) wird '$(date)' ordentlich heruntergefahren" | /usr/bin/mailx -s "Shutdown von $(hostname)" root@localhost
+echo "Warte 5 Sekunden ..."
+sleep 5
+# vim: ts=4 expandtab
OU=Local Postfix SSL key