+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import sys
-import requests
-from tabulate import tabulate
-import re
-from os import _exit
-class FactGetter:
- def __init__(self, baseUrl, tableFormat):
- self.baseUrl = baseUrl
- self.tableFormat = tableFormat
- def complexTabulate(self, data, excludeValue=None, exludeHeader=None, addtionalSpot=None):
- finalData = []
- for items in data["value"].items():
- if excludeValue is not None:
- values = [x for x in items[1].values() if x !=
- excludeValue and not re.match(excludeValue, str(x))]
- else:
- values = [x for x in items[1].values()]
- if exludeHeader is not None:
- headers = [x for x in items[1].keys() if x !=
- exludeHeader and not re.match(exludeHeader, str(x))]
- else:
- headers = [x for x in items[1].keys()]
- if addtionalSpot is not None:
- if len(values) < addtionalSpot["size"]:
- values.insert(addtionalSpot["location"], "-x-")
- finalData.append(values)
- print(tabulate(finalData, headers=headers, tablefmt=self.tableFormat))
- def generalInfo(self):
- result = []
- URL = f"{self.baseUrl}/customer"
- data = requests.get(URL).json()[0]
- for k, v in data.items():
- result.append([k, v])
- print("\n", " GENERAL INFO ".center(60, "#"))
- print(tabulate(result, tablefmt=self.tableFormat))
- def cpuInfo(self):
- URL = f"{self.baseUrl}/processorcount"
- data = requests.get(URL).json()[0]
- print("\n", " CPU ".center(60, "#"))
- print(tabulate([["CPU cores", str(data['value'])]],
- tablefmt=self.tableFormat))
- def memInfo(self):
- URL = f"{self.baseUrl}/memory"
- data = requests.get(URL).json()[0]
- print("\n", " MEMORY (RAM) ".center(60, "#"))
- self.complexTabulate(data)
- def diskInfo(self):
- serialNum = re.compile(r'^[\d]{20}$')
- URL = f"{self.baseUrl}/disks"
- data = requests.get(URL).json()[0]
- print("\n", " DISKS ".center(60, "#"))
- self.complexTabulate(data, excludeValue=serialNum,
- exludeHeader="serial")
- def partitionInfo(self):
- partuuid = re.compile(r"^[\d\w]{8}\-[\d\w]{2}$")
- URL = f"{self.baseUrl}/partitions"
- data = requests.get(URL).json()[0]
- print("\n", " PARTITIONS ".center(60, "#"))
- self.complexTabulate(data, addtionalSpot={
- "size": 5, "location": 2}, exludeHeader="partuuid", excludeValue=partuuid)
- def networkInfo(self):
- data = []
- URL = f"{self.baseUrl}/interfaces"
- interfaces = requests.get(URL).json()[0]["value"].split(',')
- print("\n", " NETWORK ".center(60, "#"))
- for interface in interfaces:
- URL = f"{self.baseUrl}/ipaddress_{interface}"
- data.append([interface, requests.get(URL).json()[0]["value"]])
- data.insert(0, ["default", requests.get(
- f"{self.baseUrl}/ipaddress").json()[0]["value"]])
- print(tabulate(data, headers=["Interface",
- "IPaddr"], tablefmt=self.tableFormat))
-_usage = f"""
- usage: {sys.argv[0]} [hostname]
- Description:
- The script will display the following information about the host:
- - General information
- - CPU information
- - Memory information
- - Disk information
- - Partition information
- - Network information
- """
- hostname = sys.argv[1]
- print(_usage)
- _exit(1)
-factGetter = FactGetter(
- f"https://puppetdb01.pixelpark.com/pdb/query/v4/nodes/{hostname}/facts", tableFormat="psql")
-__author__ = 'Mladen Uzunov <mladen.uzunov@pixelpark.com>'
-__copyright__ = '(C) 2022 by Mladen Uzunov, Pixelpark GmbH, Berlin'