-*Engines* = Reversi Go Gnibbles Dots Iagno Gnect Battleship
+*Engines* = Go Gnibbles Dots Iagno Gnect Reversi Battleship
Battleship = p7
-Dots = p4
-Gnect = p6
-Gnibbles = p3
-Go = p2
-Iagno = p5
-Reversi = p1
+Dots = p3
+Gnect = p5
+Gnibbles = p2
+Go = p1
+Iagno = p4
+Reversi = p6
-Author = Mario Weilguni, Inge Wallin, Dmitry Suzdalev
-CommandLine = kreversi
-Frontend = kde
-Homepage = http://games.kde.org/
-Name = KReversi
-ProtocolEngine = Reversi
-ProtocolVersion = 4
-Version = 2.0
Author = Sascha Peilicke
CommandLine = kigo
Frontend = kde
ProtocolVersion = 1
Version = 1.0
Author = The GNOME Project
CommandLine = /usr/bin/gnibbles
Frontend = gtk
ProtocolVersion = 1
Version = 2.28.2
Author = Matt Williams
CommandLine = ksquares
Frontend = kde
ProtocolVersion = 4
Version = 0.3
Author = The GNOME Project
CommandLine = /usr/bin/iagno
Frontend = gtk
ProtocolVersion = 1
Version = 2.28.2
Author = The GNOME Project
CommandLine = /usr/bin/gnect
Frontend = gtk
ProtocolVersion = 1
Version = 2.28.2
+Author = Mario Weilguni, Inge Wallin, Dmitry Suzdalev
+CommandLine = kreversi
+Frontend = kde
+Homepage = http://games.kde.org/
+Name = KReversi
+ProtocolEngine = Reversi
+ProtocolVersion = 4
+Version = 2.0
Author = Daniel Molkentin, Nikolas Zimmermann, Paolo Capriotti
CommandLine = kbattleship